Chapter 11 - Are you okay?

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Aaliyah's P.O.V

Me and y/n are just finishing up studying when my phone vibrates on my desk. Unlocking my phone I see it's a text from Zara.

Zara: Hey, you free? X

Aaliyah: Yeah I am tonight, why? X

Zara: Girls thinking about going cinema, you down? X

Aaliyah: YASS! Sign me up x

Zara: Meet you at 6 pm x

Aaliyah: Can't wait x

Glancing at my clock it's 4:45 pm that leaves me about an hour to get ready. Hopefully Shawn's not busy and he can give me a lift to town or something. Y/n's still here though and I can't leave her not alone or something.

Are wells I'm sure Shawn can drop her home if he's out taking me to meet the girls.

Leaving my notes on my desk, y/n excuses herself from my room as I go to rummage through my wardrobe trying to find a cute outfit.

When I finally settle on an outfit, I notice that y/n still isn't back yet which is strange unless my mum's probably dragged her to help in the kitchen I guess I mean that has happened before even though y/n cannot cook to save her life.

Y/n's P.O.V

Me and Aaliyah have just finished studying which was tiring and I feel so light headed from all the note taking.

When Aaliyah's phone vibrates, I take my chance to excuse myself from the room and grab a glass of water. As I get nearer the stairs I hear Shawn and his mum talking from the front room.

Quietly I walk down the stairs hoping not to disturb their conversation but as I'm getting closer I see Karen beaming with a smile maybe Shawn's going on another tour or something soon, I can't work out what else would make her smile that much.

"I was waiting for this to happen, I knew it was only a matter of time" Karen says whilst I'm standing just beyond the door.

Wait what's happening, how can someone be so happy. With curiosity building up inside, I choose to stay by the room just to hear more.

"What do you mean?" Shawn asks but he sounds confused to me.

"I see the way you look at her Shawn, I can tell there's a connection somewhere between you two" Karen replies, within moments my heart breaks.

Shawn doesn't like me the way I like him, maybe it's best I don't go London it's clear he's got a girlfriend. I'll just go home I don't think I'm wanted here and it's clear that Aaliyah is busy now as well.

Luckily my things are by the front door so I can just leave without them noticing. I'm glad Shawn has someone who makes him happy but I just wish that was me.

*Skip journey home*

When I reach my bedroom I throw my phone onto my bed, login into my computer grab my note books and start to study all over again whilst I have YouTube playing as background noise. I need to get Shawn out of my head and for some reason I've found comfort in the Russian Revolution.

Looking at the exam question in front of me, I sigh heavily looking through my textbook. I swear known of this information is getting into my head but I continue to type my 25 marker essay with great trouble.

My phone screen lights up with text messages from both Aaliyah and Shawn but I ignore them. I don't know what to say or how to feel right now, I thought Shawn liked me and we were going to London together. Now he goes and tells his mum about a girl, this isn't even funny my heart hurts sure I don't love him but I do like like him.



Shawn: Are you okay? xxx

Shawn: Liyah is worrying but mums told her to go out, hope you're doing okay xxx Miss you xxx

Shawn: Please reply I need to know if you're okay, I hate this feeling when you're not here xxx

Missed Call Shawn x3

The time passes and the sun fades away with the moon rising up. God knows how long I've been in my room. Thankfully mum has left me allow to drown in my own misery or maybe I speak too soon. As I hear my bedroom door open, revealing a very stressed out Shawn he looks like he's in just as much pain as me.

I cannot see him like this, I pull my hoodie closer to my body but I forget that this was his Illuminate World Tour one that I got with Aaliyah after we saw him when he played here in Toronto.

"Hey" Shawn whispers as he stands in my doorway. He looks so cute when he wears hoodies I can't take my eyes off him.

Stop it y/n he doesn't like you.

" you doing here?" I ask well try to ask it comes out more like a mumble.

" I went to drop Aaliyah off to meet her friends but when I came to her room you wasn't there and then you wasn't relying to anyone's text messages" Shawn explains.

"Oh well I'm sorry about that I was studying" I tell him some of the truth.

Shawn walks into my room, closing the door behind him and sits on my bed.

"Y/n tell me whats up this isn't like you?" Shawn asks.

I get up from my desk and sit cross legged next to him on my bed, I need to get this off my chest before it complicates friendships.

"I heard you and your mum talking when I went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. Karen seemed so happy that you had a connection with a girl" I say looking down at my hands. For some reason I see Shawn smile.

"Y/n... I wouldn't worry about that you know what my mums like" Shawn says with a small smile. Why would he say that.

"Maybe you should go London with her" I say getting up from the bed.

"She is coming with me to London and right now she looks pretty cute in my merchandise" Shawn says with a small chuckle as he pulls me back to the bed but this time I land into his lap.

Wait Karen thinks me and Shawn have a connection?! SOMEONE PINCH ME!

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