17. What if.

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"What if you shared the sign, that you don't want me there by your side."

What if; Coldplay.


Camilas POV.

I slump against my seat and my head on Harry's shoulder. I look up to see harry fast asleep. Thank god he's asleep, I don't want him to witness my break down. It's about 3 am and I glance over to the window. The sky is dark and empty. Were just a plane gliding through the world and in this moment, I wouldn't care if I died, cause maybe, just maybe. Dying would be a favor.

My chest is heavy and it makes it harder to breathe, Lauren knows how to say the right things then do fucked up actions to ruin you. I'm so exhausted of fighting for this so called relationship. It hurts me. All of the previous events I've been through have fucked me up so bad, I would cry myself to sleep. But it's not one of those times I'm gonna cry. She's had so many chances.

To many, at that.

This time, I'm leaving her no turning back.

She's kissed to many people infront of me and I'm so fucking sick of it.

I studied harry while he sleeps. His slight snores and his faint breathes.

He was a beautiful, intelligent man, and maybe, just maybe, I could maintain back to my original sexuality taste. Men.

Lauren's POV.

It's fucking 3 am in the morning and I have no regrets or maybe I do. But the truth is camila deserves all this. I'm so crazy inlove with her but I do some things purposely to piss her off. And I know she's still up thinking her little heart out. I glance up a few times and study her movements.

I take in the view of her head on Harry's shoulder, and her head is looking up studying Harry's features and movements , like I would study her. She's looking at him as if he was her world. But for Godsakes he never will, and I promise that.

Sometimes I wish I could get in her pretty little mind and see what she thinks. I already know she wants nothing to do with me ever again. But I'll change her mind.

She will come back running into my arms just like Everytime.

It's no trick question.

I know she said she doesn't want anything to do with me, but lord I know she is inlove with me as much as I'm inlove with her. And I know seeing her hurt, hurts me also. But this time I swear she deserved this.

I mock mil's action and lay my head on Austin's shoulder. He gives me a big smile, and I return his smile with a peck on his cheek. He wraps his arm around my waist and I daze off into sleep.



I have a new fanfic up. It's called "resistance." It's pretty great! I wanted some of you to read it and experience my other taste in writing.

It's kinda cool, a edit off of vine inspired me to write it.

It's like a punk harry fanfic, it's like really cool to me. I don't know I'm lame so just yeah ignore this. If you want to read it , its on my profile you know where to find it. It would be appreciated if you voted or even read it! Thank you babies!!'

WERE ALMOST AT 1k reads. I can feel it omg alsmoOzixjkxkzlzllzzllzlsls YASSS YASSS YASS

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"What if you don't want me there in your life."

What if- Coldplay.

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