21. Poison and wine.

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"Your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine."

Poison and wine; the civil wars.

**next day.**

Camilas POV.

I wake up to Harry's presence gone but a note left on his pillow.

"I had work, breakfast is ready and warm in the microwave. I hope your okay after your nightmare. I'll always be your support. Hope everything is okay. - lots of love, harry."

I smile at his kind note and walk into the kitchen to find a stack of pancakes and bacon. I walk to the fridge and pour some orange juice for myself.

That's when my phone vibrated.

*i miss you, mil.* Lauren texts me.

I sigh in stress. I told her not to do this.

* I thought we weren't gonna do this Lauren. * I text back.

*i just miss you mil, I miss us. I miss us lying next to each other. I miss your

Smile. I miss you laughing at my not so funny jokes.* she replies back.

*lauren!* I text back.

* I love you mil.* she send.

* I love you too.* I think about sending but I backspace it.

*okay* I text back instead.

* I'm going to find you, and I don't care where you are, I'm coming to kiss you and bring you flowers. And treat you how I should have.* Lauren texts.

I ignore her message cause she won't find me and I know it.

Lauren's POV.

I get up out of bed and throw on some random outfit. I tell my mom I'm going out for awhile.

I drive to the nearest floral shop.

"10 pink roses, please." I ask the lady at the counter.

"20.45" she smiles.

I hand her a 20 dollar bill and 2 quarters.

She hands me the roses and I get in the car.

I track down camilas phone and go to the apartment she's at.

- 10 minutes later. -

I pull up at a vintage store and get out of my car. I take a deep breathe and look up. Camila stands there in the window but facing the opposite way from me.

I look down at the ground and find a pebble, and throw it as far as I could.

Camilas attention grows to me.

Her eyes to wide and her face goes pink. She lifts the window up.

"Lauren." Her voice deep and filled with emotion. The voice I've longed to hear.


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