31. Phone call.

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Idk if this counts as a chapter, but this is the phone call between the real estate and Lauren. :)


"Hello." I say into the phone.

Deep silence fills the phone.

The person on the phone coughs and clears his throat.

"Yes, are you calling on behalf of a apartment?" The male voice says.

"Of course, I would like to purchase this apartment for two, well expectant too." I smile over at camila who's in the road.

"Okay, just some simple rules. You can have pets, just depends on what kind." He coughs.

"Mhm okay, no writing on walls or posters. Just simple things." He coughs.

"Thanks, it's all yours. You can move in next week. We will sign papers uh, after your settled." He coughs then hangs up.

The line goes dead.


Next chap will be up in 10. :)))

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