37. Born to die

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"Don't make me sad, don't make me cry.."

Born to die; lana del rey.


I wrote this while sitting in a parking lot waiting to get my nails done, lmao. Crazy right?

Enjoy :))

Lauren's POV.

I wake up in the center of a bed, the room was dark. And camila was nowhere in my site. My back shivers at the cold temperature.

I look up to see just a white ceiling mocking me.

My body seems numb, like something had made me this way.

I look up to find my arms tied to the head of the bed and my legs tied together.

How did I get here and why? I ask myself.

C'mon remember Lauren.


I walk over to the window and move the curtains out of the way.

I look towards the street and examine this suburban neighborhood.

A man sitting in all black stands across the street peering up.

I close the curtains immediately and stumble back.

*flashback end*

The door to the bedroom opens slowly creaking.

"Well hello Lauren." A familiar voice feels my ears.

I look up to see the previous man in my flashbacks.

He's all dressed in black like the time I saw him not to long ago.

"Mr. crane." I spit.

"Lauren, darling. I'm never done with you. You deserve.... Payback." He walks over to my side and traces my arm. Up and down. His touch burns on my skin. I hate it.

"Get the fuck off of me! How did you even get me here anyways?" I ask.

"Well, after you saw me, you stumbled back. I snuck into your little apartment and drugged camila while you were out. I took you to my flat. And here you are." He laughs.

"Is camila okay? She's fucking pregnant for Godsakes." I spit.

I'm worried to death about camila.

"I know she's pregnant." He smiles and licks his lips.

"How so? And how did you find us in the apartment." I ask.

"I was the cashier and I was the real estate agent on the phone. I'm everywhere Lauren. Everywhere." He licks his lips

His words sink in. The males voice was so unsure. I remember his nervousness.

A deep chuckle feels the room.

"This is just a warning, leave camila and come back to america with me." He demands.

"I can never do that." I whisper.

"Lauren. I will kill camila and the baby and everybody you love." He sits on the edge of the bed.

"I will, I promise after the baby is born, I will come back to america with you." I promise.

I will protect camila and the baby with everything I got.

"Good, good." He smiles.


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