28. American.

720 15 4

"You make me crazy."

American; lana del rey.

Short a/n

Lmao how y'all feeling after that big great news?!

Were not for sure that's camilas PREGO but she feels that way! I know you guys hate harry, a lot lmao. But in real life he's a cute cupcake! You guys will be surprised to what happens to harry in the future. Some of you will be like *yasss * others *omg omg * depends on how ya feel. A lot of you want camren back aw it's comin back slowly! My birthdays in 2 days!!! Turn up! I'll have my birthday party on here and you guys are all invited lmao I'm not even kidding. !! This was suppose to be a short a/n but ha failed. Lmao

Lauren's POV.

"You're what?!" I shout.

This is all my fault. I left for 5 years and I came back to this. I shouldn't have left.

"I'm pregnant." She mumbled.

"Well, atleast I think." She adds.

Camila gets up off of the ground and walks into her bedroom.

I can't help but feel self guilt and awful.

Camilas POV.

My stomach twists in pain and my head starts to feel heavy.

"I need a pregnancy test." I ask quietly.

"I can go get you one, if you want?" We asks.

I nod and watch Lauren pick up her keys and walk out the door.

Lauren's POV.

I drive to the nearest gas station and walk inside.

I walk down the medical aisle and grab the cheapest pregnancy test.

I hand the cashier a 5 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." I smile at the man behind the register.

He nods.

I pick up the pregnancy test and walk to my car.

Camilas POV.

I lay in bed when Lauren walks in.

She throws the small lavender box on the bed.

"Thank you." I mumble.

She nods.

I walk into the bathroom and take a deep breath.

"Camila, you can do this. This is a big thing. I know! You can either step up and be a mother or you can be a dead beat mom. I know for sure harry won't raise this child. So, I will help as long as your willing to let me." Lauren shouts from outside the door.

I stay silent and think.

Harry doesn't even need to know about this child, I need a life of my own. I can't be stuck in this apartment for the rest of my life with a fatherless child.

An in this moment, I oath that I will raise this child, just as it is needed too.

This is really a big moment. I'm not scared.

But hell I am not ready.

But if the little stick says postive,

I'll settle down an be who I should have been a long time ago.

A little person is growing inside of me and I don't need a little stick to tell me what's growing or not.

I toss the little test in the trash and walk out.

Lauren crouched against the door praying.

"I'm pregnant!" I shout.

Lauren shoots up and hugs me tight.

"Congrats camila, I love you!" She whispers into my neck.

"I love you more." I smile.

And in that moment, that statement couldn't become any truer than it already is.


So what do you guys think of Lauren's new change?

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