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Sunday morning, I'm already here in my workplace. I'm working at a café named, Lovely Café. It runs form eight in the morning till eight in the evening. I started to do this job because it is my way of providing my own financial needs.

I'm standing in the cashier area, wiping the counter table. Based on my peripheral visions, a guy which is our first costumer stood in front of the counter. I stopped wiping and faced the monitor to take orders. "Good morning. Welcome to the..." my words are lost when I saw him standing in front of me. I felt my smile faded upon seeing him and my eyes automatically diverted to the monitor. "Lovely Café." My mouth still managed to speak.

I feel my cheeks are burning. I tried to hide it from him. "What's your order, sir?" Woo! I'm not stuttering. "One espresso and one caramel macchiato."

"Okay, sir. Your bill is 11,000₩. Do you need anything else, sir?" He shook his head. He reaches out his hand to give his card. I swiped it to the machine and gave it back to him.

I get two cups, one for the espresso and one for the caramel macchiato. "Ten minutes of serving, sir." I smiled at him and as usual, he ignored me.

I made his coffees cheerfully. My mind is busy working out some fairy tale imaginations with him while my hand is working for his coffee. The coffee is finally done by writing something on his cup holder. "짱쭌이 (jjangjjun-ie) ❤". I smiled and immediately served it to him.

I was walking towards him, plastering a wide smile. I'm wearing it until I reached his place. I put down the tray and served him the coffees he ordered. I placed his receipt and about to leave when a miracle happens; he called my name. I faced him pointing myself. "Me?"

"Do you have any Ryu Sujeong in this place?" I was being hammered at my place for a moment. "Y-yes, sir? What can I do for you?" I broke down by stammering. He pushed the cup of caramel macchiato towards me. I looked down because my cheeks are starting to heat up. Is he giving me the coffee he bought? Is this a dream? My thoughts are bursting inside my mind.

"Don't get me wrong." Suddenly I felt weak. It's like a pail of cold water was poured on me. "W-what do you want me to do with this coffee, sir?" I brought back the coffee on the tray I was handling. "I'm going to take it out." I immediately left the place. I assumed too much and that's the result of being assuming.

I replaced the cup and bring it back to him. I came back to the cashier area without looking at him. I released my frustrated feelings by sighing. I tried to glance at him and he was so busy tapping his phone. Maybe he was talking to an important person.


"Sujeong-a! Hey Ryu Sujeong!"

"Oh? Yes, unnie?" I answered when my mind finally wakes up. "Are you sick? Why are you spacing out?" I shook my head. "It's just my thoughts are scrambling that's why." I joked but she didn't laugh. "Are you asking me to do something?" I asked she shook her head instead. "Someone is asking me to give you this." I tilt my head, being confused on what she is referring to but my eyes sparkled upon seeing a cup of coffee. "Who gave this?"

"The guy who's sitting there a while ago." She's pointing Jangjun's place a while ago. "Really?" She nods her head and stretched her arm to give the coffee. "Thanks, unnie."

I reached out the coffee and a note was posted on the side of the cup. "Work harder and don't space out. Drink this sweet coffee to wake you up. Fighting Sujeong-ie." There's no name at the end. Should I assume that this coffee came from Jangjun? I smiled upon imagining it.


My work day finally ended. I'm walking through the dark aisle towards our house. It is easy to use this path rather the other one. While walking I suddenly heard footsteps from behind. It's like, someone is following me. I took bigger steps to reach our house but the person who's following behind took big steps also. I'm starting to get nervous and scared. I was about to run when his hand landed on my shoulder. I started to scream. "Please help me!" I sitting on the ground covering my ears because of fear. I can't help but cry. "Please save me!" I cried between my sobs. "Eomma... Appa... Booseung-ah! Help me!" I cried in a whispering tone. I don't know where I am. I couldn't run. I felt weak and I don't know what to do. The rain slowly poured and I couldn't carry myself anymore.

"Sujeong-ssi, are you alright?" Even without looking, I know who he is. "Help me, please."

"Don't worry the bad guy is gone." He tapped my shoulder but I can't control my tears anymore. "I thought something bad will going to happen. I'm so scared."

"Nothing bad will going to happen anymore." As he speaks I felt his chest on my ear. He hugged me. I suddenly felt secured in just moment. "No one will hurt you okay?" He caressed my shoulder. "Let me take you back to your house." He's still hugging me and he helped me to stand and guided me till we got home.

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