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Our Christmas presentation dropped so fast and it is happening now. Rubbing my palm continuously, the event staff approaches. "Sujeong-ssi?"


"Where's Sewoon?" She asked, making me confused. "He's aren't here yet?" I asked, grabbing my phone from my bag. I dialed his phone number and a familiar woman voice speaks. "Hello, Mrs. Jeong?"

"Sujeong-ssi?" She asked on the other line. "Yes, it's me, ma'am. Uhm... w-where is Sewoon?" I politely asked. A silence came for a moment until Sewoon finally answered the phone call. "Sujeong-ah, I'm sorry." His weak voice determines his current situation. "Are you okay?" He sighed in disappointment. "I'm so sorry. I can't make it to the presentation. I'm so sick right now." He's not lying. "I told you! You should've brought your umbrella instead of giving it to me."


Sewoon and I have been preparing ourselves for the upcoming presentation. "Sujeong-ah, I can't accompany you today," Sewoon speaks as we are preparing to leave. "It's okay Woon-ah." I smiled, assuring that I can do it alone.

As we reached the building's entrance the rain pours heavily. I suddenly remembered that I wasn't bringing an umbrella. "How--" before I could finish my statement Sewoon offered his umbrella. "You can use this as you go home." He smiled. "How about you?"

"Don't mind me. My fetcher just arrived at the parking lot."

"Parking lot? It's quite far from this building." He cupped my face and smiled, "I swear, I can manage." I nod and he hugs me. "Take care as you go home." He said then ran off towards the parking lot.

(End of Flashback)

I sighed. I'll be performing alone. Luckily, I reserved one song for a solo. "I'm really sorry Sujeong."

"It's okay Woon-ah. I hope you get well immediately."

"I will." I half-smiled through the phone. "Okay, I need to prepare now. Wish me luck!" He softly giggled and answered yes. I hang up the phone and fixed myself for the starting event.


"Calling all the participants here at the backstage!" The school staff awhile ago shouted from the outside of the room.

I stood, bowing my head. I'm feeling nervous, knowing that I'll be performing alone later. I rub my palms again, sighing all my nervousness.

A guy stood beside me, catching my attention. I lift my head to take a glance and to my surprised his standing... right beside me. I blinked repeatedly and even rubbed my eyes. "J-jangjun?" He just glanced at me for awhile, wearing his usual expression. I stopped from speaking and listen to the staff.

The time has already dropped and the show had started. The freshmen from the first section were currently performing. "Sujeong and Jangjun you're next!" My eyes grew wide, Sujeong and what? "Sujeong and Jangjun?" Once again the staff called. How come... "What are you still doing there?" Jangjun coldly stated, freezing me at the moment. "I said let's go." He held my hand and pulled me towards the queue area.

My heart pounds loudly, the scenery went blurry and slow like the clock stopped ticking for a moment. He's holding my hand, running with me. I held his hand back then the world suddenly turns back to its normal situation. "A-ah... I'm sorry." I was about to pull my hand when he held it tightly. "You're nervous." He grabs my other hand and rubbed it. "We'll be performing together." My heart pounds louder after hearing his statement. "How about..."

"Hakyung can't make it today." His words sounded firm. "But I can perform alone."

"You can but I can't." Again, my heart pounds heavily and felt butterflies in my stomach. Am I dreaming?

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