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The snow that's falling silently and the lights were twinkling in the rhythm of the song, Santa's time has come. It's Christmas season already and I just made myself busy with work since our Christmas vacation had started. "Sujeong-ssi, what's your plan for Christmas?" My boss asked while checking the counter. I'm about to leave my done work this day. "Uhh... I haven't thought about it yet but I wanted to do something on the Christmas eve." I smiled, thinking about this plan for Christmas Eve.


"Are you sure you don't want to join the Christmas party, Sujeong?" My brother asked while he's looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Nope. I do really have a plan today." I smiled genuinely. "Oh okay as you said." He finally walks off and followed my parents who were currently waiting outside. They finally left.

As I lay on my bed, my phone rang which awakens me. "Hello?" I answered without even looking at the screen. "Are you free tonight?" Sewoon on the other line asked. "Nope. I have to do something important later." He hummed confusedly. "You're busy on the Christmas Eve? Yah! Give yourself a rest. You're overworking again." I laughed. "Don't worry I'm okay."

"Sure?" I giggled. "Yes!" I eagerly answered, assuring that I can do well later.

Ten in the evening on the twenty-fourth day of December, the crowded place on the central plaza is my target. I want to show off at that place, the park. I settled down on the bench under the cherry blossom tree. The scenery of the white tree, filling up by the snowflakes looked pretty, representing a white Christmas.

"Speakers check! Mic and mic stand check! Guitar check! And... Sujeong checked!" I giggled upon checking my things with me.

I rested the guitar on my lap and let out a heavy sigh. "Just enjoy your show, Sujeong!" I tapped my own shoulder, comforting and encouraging myself. I prepared three sets of songs. I performed the first two and the crowd gave their attention to me. Many couples settled down at their places, peacefully listening to my songs.

"More!" A guy with his girlfriend on his side shouted when I finished my second song. I laughed. "What song do you want?"

"The song that you prefer!" The guy who shouted a while ago answered. "Okay." I placed my capo on my guitar and starts plucking the string to the tune of Fallin' by Lovelyz.

I'm fallin' in your eyes

Somehow I feel warm
It fully drifts to me

In the midst of my soulful world, I opened my eyes. A guy who's very familiar to me is standing a meter away from me. He started to walk slowly, plastering a sweet smile.

Your voice to your expression
Even your child-like look

Slowly slow
Are we resembling each other?

If I'm alone, lonely
Lonely, has gone further away

He walked like he owns the center where people who're watching me a while ago stepped aside to give space to him. He stopped right in front of me, smiling widely and happily listening to my song.

This sweet dreamin'
I want to look at you all day long

I don't think I'm dreaming. I know he's really here. I know Jangjun is watching me, smiling sweetly and appreciating the situation right now.

Secretly: I love you [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now