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After that five hours travel, we all settled at the Incheon Airport. Everyone looks tired and lagged. After fulfilling some airport stuffs we all went out to leave. Our families are out there waiting for us. "I'll contact you tomorrow for our meeting girls. Rest well!" Diana reminded before dismissing us. "Bye! See yah!" Lisa bids running off to her friends. I walked away and my family welcomed me with their warm hug. "Welcome back!" My dad said in glee. "Yeah... it's good to be back." I said tilting my head in an uncertain emotion. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Booseung yelled and we just all face palmed, leaving.


After the long day of catching up with my fam, I'm here at my bed, lying. I missed my room. I sighed, saying, "I miss everything here. They didn't changed it." I smiled and scanned the whole room.

A knock breaks my reminiscing thought. "Sujeong-ah."

"Oh oppa? Why?" I get up to face him. He went in and sat on the extra chair near the door. "So the school contacted us and we need to attend the alumni ceremony."


"I can't go because of school stuffs."

"Yeah, med school stuffs." I rolled my eyes, sarcastically. "Yes so that's what I wanted to ask for you. Can you at least join the alumni ceremony the day after tomorrow?"

"Hmm... let me see. If I'm not busy then I'll go."

"Yah! Please go!" He begged. "Alright! I'll go." He stood in glee and hugged me. "Thank you Sujeong-ie." He went out of my room and I went back to my relaxing position. "What's so important with that alumni ceremony when you can ditch it." I mumbled.

I went up to explore about my old stuffs and there I saw that box— my memory box. I get it and it surprised me that all my love letters for him are gone. Maybe mom threw away those letters. It's okay, at least my memories of him are gone. I took a step for the other item and it surprised me that it remains resting prettily on that transparent box, his handkerchief. That memory of him came in fast and vividly. "Psh, I should've thrown it away since then." I laughed at my own dumbness. I let it rest and all things seem to be mine except that handkerchief. I went back to my bed and slept.


The morning comes and I craved for coffee so I decided to take a walk to the Lovely Café. A cashier girl welcomed and taken my order. "W-what is your order ma'am?" She can't focus her eyes from the screen to the table near the glass wall. "One americano and one chocolate mousse cake." She took my card and I glanced at the same direction she's looking, then I saw a guy sitting while texting. I suddenly remembered the day I was working here and I did the same thing... with him. "Ma'am..."


"Here's your order ma'am." The cashier girl breaks out my thought. "Thank you." We bowed at each other and I sat within the glass wall area. I stared at the busy way of the street and doesn't really changed at all. I took a sip and grabbed my mousse cake when I hear a very familiar voice. "Good morning sir what's your order?"

"Ah... one caramel macchiato and one red velvet cake." My heart pounds after hearing his voice. I slowly diverted my eyes to that guy standing at the cashier when someone blocked me. "Sujeong? Ah! You're Sujeong right?" My eyebrows creased until the image popped up. "Eunbi unnie!" We hugged with each other and she sat on the seat across me. I tried to glance to the guy on the cashier but he's already gone. I sighed and faced Eunbi unnie instead. "How are you, Sujeong?"

"I'm good! How about you?" I smiled awkwardly. "I'm doing good... actually..." I raise my left eyebrow, waiting for what she is going to say. "I'm getting married!" She showed her left hand, having the engagement ring on the ring finger. I got surprised and excited at the same time. "Oh my gosh! When? To whom?" I wiggled in excitement. "The date hasn't final yet but the guy... he's Choi Sungyoon."

"Oh my gosh! Is he your long time crush from your neighborhood? How did you end up like this?" She sits properly, gearing up to tell the whole story. She then speak and the time passed.

"Oh my gosh! Unnie, I need to go. My member texted me that we have a meeting."

"Oh is that so? Then take care and go back when you're free."

"Yes, unnie. Thank you for the story and congratulations! Bye" I rushed off, going back to my house and prepared to our meeting.

To be continued...

Secretly: I love you [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now