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At six-thirty in the morning, I arrived at school. As I entered the room, the place was already neat and properly arranged. I checked if there's someone who arrived early but I saw no one. I proceeded to my seat and a thing caught my eye. It's lying prettily on my table with a simple note on it. A rose. I put down my bag and picked the rose and the note from my table. "Good Morning." My heart suddenly beats faster. I looked around but there's no one. I sneaked through the window but I only see students arriving. "Who gave this?"

"Is this really mine?"

"Maybe someone misplaced it on my table." I set it aside and settled myself on my seat. I brought up my favorite music notebook and starts writing. I'm making my own song. I'm doing this when I have nothing to do. I looked at the rose and my mind starts working. I wrote down all my ideas and it became longer and sweeter. I smiled.

My smile fades when I hear the door opened and hit the wall. I looked at it and it was Jangjun, wearing his usual facial expression. He just passed by me, not even bothering himself to greet. "Good morning." I smiled. I don't know why but my initiative pulls me to greet him. However, his response since then never changed. He even plugged his earphones and drown himself in the song he was listening.

"Sujeong!" My eyes that stuck on Jangjun finally diverted to a different direction. "Oh! Woon-ah!" I smiled and waved at him. "Good morning!" We high-five. "Good morning too!" My cheeky smile came out. "Oh! What's this?" He held the rose and read the note. "Who gave you this?" I moved my shoulder, gesturing "I don't know" and he got it. "Maybe someone mistook my table as the owner of someone." I closed my music notebook and bring it back inside my bag.

The silence of the room turned into a wild one. "Everyone!" They didn't give any attention. "Everyone! Is there any of you have an admirer? I saw this on my table and I think my table was mistaken!" Finally, they silenced and gave an attention to me. "Anyone?"

"Me!" Jiho, the prettiest girl in our section answered. "Oh! Here. Maybe this is for--" all of us stopped our business when someone hits the table so hard, it's Jangjun. He walks away angrily and we all don't know what happened to him. "Ah, thank you." Jiho grabbed the rose and the note on my hand. We all went back to our own businesses and the homeroom teacher went inside.


I finished my lunch with Sewoon already. We just separated our ways because I need to get something in my locker. When I was almost near, I saw Jangjun standing on his spot again. I suddenly remembered the handkerchief he gave to me yesterday. I already cleaned and ironed it. I stopped on his front and reached out the handkerchief to him. "Thank you for lending me this handkerchief. I appreciate it." He stood properly and about to leave when my adrenaline commanded me to stop him from leaving. "I-I already cleaned and ironed it. I'm sorry for messing it." I placed it in his hand when he pulled me closer to him. I blinked repetitively, internalizing our closeness now. We're an inch away from each other and one wrong move, the worst thing might gonna happen.

I drifted my eyes to the floor. I feel my cheeks are burning! "W-what are you doing?" I felt annoyed with myself for stuttering. He slowly loosens his griped and moved away. "Take it. I don't need it." He finally walks away leaving me dumbfounded at my place.

"Sujeong!" My senses came back when I heard someone calling my name, it's Jiho. "Here." She extended her hands, giving me the rose and the note I gave her in the morning. "Why are you giving this to me?" I'm starting to get confused. "Well, it's not really mine. It's yours."

"Mine?" I'm still puzzled. She took my hand and placed the rose and the note on it. "Someone is giving it to you." She smiled. "Who?" She slowly shook her head while smiling and finally walks away. "Jiho!"

"Jiho! Who is it?" She just ignored me. "Who are you?" I looked forward and a guy figure was standing, far away from me. He looks like watching me from afar. I rubbed my eyes to see it clearly but he was gone when I opened my eyes.

Secretly: I love you [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now