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I'm here in my room, facing my computer. "Wah! There are so many songs that I wanted to sing but I only need one!" I whined, looking at my songs. I kept scrolling it upward and downward. A song caught my eye, "Aha!" I clicked it and started writing its chords and lyrics in my notebook. I grabbed my guitar which is lying beside my bed. I placed it on my lap and starts strumming it.

A ring on my phone suddenly disturbs me from practicing. I sneak on my phone and it is from an unknown number. I answered it without even hesitating, "Hello?"

"Yah! Why are you answering an unknown number that quick?" From his voice, I know who is he. "It's just, I'm busy practicing. What do you want?" I sounded annoyed but I can't help but laugh."Oh! Did I disturbed you?"

"Yes, you did!" I laughed and he knows it, I'm putting sarcasm on it. "How did you got my number huh, Jeong Sewoon?" His time to tease now. "I just get it from the trash can."

"Yah! You're being too offensive." I felt that he get it so he stopped. "I got it from the Administration office."

"Lucky you, you got someone's number."

"You know, young and rich!" We both laughed upon hearing it. "Adopt me please!" We both laughed again. "By the way, I'll go along your way to school tomorrow, can I?"

"Sure! Where are we going to meet?"

"I'll fetch you.."

"No! I-I mean l-let's just meet at the bus stop." My mom will probably hit me if someone goes along me especially a guy. Just like that video of me, confessing to Jangjun, anything might get worse if he comes here. I want to protect my friend, my only friend.

"You know my mom right?" I said shyly. "She hasn't changed?"

"Hmm..." The only thing I answered.


The morning has come, I'm here at the bus stop with Sewoon. "Have you eaten your breakfast?" He asked and as an answer, I just smiled on him. "Ey! Never skip meals especially in morning!" He opened his bag and grab something inside. "Here! Eat this while we're on the road." He gives me my favorite chiffon cakes. "Thank you!" I smiled like a kid and opened it. "I'll eat it deliciously!" He smiled and ruffles my hair. "Oh wait!" He walks by the store and came back just by a couple of minutes. "Ta-Da!" He showed what he's handling. "Wah! Milk!" He sticks the straw and gave it to me. "Cheers!" We tossed.

Seeing him again, it makes my heart feel better. I missed him. The whole him, I missed it so much. He never changed just like the old times. He's always on my side whenever I have burdens. He helps me in carrying it that's why I feel shy whenever he's helping. I totally relied on to him that's why I felt alone when one day, he left because of his parents.

I saw how he wanted to stay but his parents are too strong to make so many ways to separate us. I don't know how he accepts me. I don't know how he stayed on my side since we're young. The only thing I know is, it's his own decision and I'm so thankful for it.

"Yah, why are you crying?" My thoughts finally broke down after hearing his voice. "Huh? Me? I'm crying?" I touch my cheeks with the back of my palm and I feel something wet. I really cried. "No! I'm not crying. It's just, a huge thing came into my eyes." I rubbed it to support the act but he held my hand and prevented me from doing it. "Lie to everyone but not on me." He wiped my tears and I felt something strange inside. "Let's go!" He wraps his arm around my shoulder and guided me to enter the bus.


The class ended quickly. I was busy taking the last note on the board when a hand slapped the table which surprised me. I looked at that person and it gives me chill. Jangjun is standing right in front of me and he's looking at me coldly. "W-what do you need?" I lightly slapped my lips when I stuttered. "Your assignment."

"Ah! Here." I tried to find my assignment but I can't. I took out of my things but it wasn't there. "Obviously, you have no assignment."

"I-I have!" I continued to search but it wasn't really there. "Where is it?" My things are scrambled on my table and on a bad timing, my milk fell and spilled into Jangjun's shoes. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and wipe the milk on his shoes. "It's okay." He said moving away his foot from my hand. "I-I'll just wipe it..."

"I said it's okay!" He yelled which made me stunned at my position. He walked away leaving me dumbfounded at my place. "Hey, Sujeong!" Sewoon who's rushing helped me to stand. "Why are you kneeling there? Did someone bullied you?"

"No, it's all because of my clumsiness." I fixed my things and went to the faculty room.

I'm walking back to the classroom after heading to the faculty room when a guy who's standing in the locker area went near me. He held my hand and put something in my hand. "J-Jangjun... what is--" He walks away, not finishing my statement. I look at my hand with his handkerchief on it. I got teary-eyed for no reason. I don't know how I feel. It was all mixed and all I just wanted to do is to release it by a silent cry. I stared at his handkerchief and closed my hand. I wiped my tears, walking back to inside the room.

Secretly: I love you [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now