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This story is under real huge editing, so... there will be a lot of confusing plots, please give me time to fix things, yeah? Love you guys!


Rain poured heavily outside the large smooth glass windows of the pastel red castle.

A princess was propped lazily on a cushioned chair, staring out of one of her grand bedroom's windows... bored and got nothing else to do. She has been waiting for years for her friends to come back home, but it was hopeless.

A sigh finally escaped her pink lips and she turned to a wilted flower in an antique-looking vase in front of her.

She thought to herself in that moment, she resembled the wilting flower. With a flick of her wrist, the dying flower suddenly sparkled with pink glittery lights before growing bright and seemed so much more alive.

The sad princess then rested her chin on her delicate palm as she heard the door of her bedroom opened and closed.

" Oh, sweety. Why aren't you coming out? It's been weeks you have locked yourself in this room," her mother's soothing voice said from behind her.

She felt her mother's gentle hand rested on her shoulder and she turned around to face the queen.

" But I don't feel like it. I'm just... not in the mood," replied the upset princess.

Her mother smiled.

" Oh, don't be like that. See here, there's somebody who wants to see you... she's waiting in the Systems chamber. Let's go, there's something she wanted to show you." she said, stroking her daughter's hair.

The princess nodded weakly and soon they went out of the room and into a chamber which was a place where they were responsible to keep watch over the systems of the realm.

The queen left her daughter with the visitor as she walked out of the chamber and disappeared into the hall.

The princess turned around and there, in front of her, sitting on a heart-shaped chair, was a glowing ghostly girl with feathery wings grinning at her.

" Hey, Y/N. Long time no see?" the girl stood up and walked to the princess... before giving her a hug.

" Hey, Pegasus! How's the stay in the moon like?" Y/N asked when they pulled away. Over the years, Y/N and Pegasus, the daughter of Man in Moon had grown to be close friends.

" It's awesome! Dad's home is super cool. Anyway, recently we found something that might light up that upset face of yours," Pegasus replied.

" Yeah?" Y/N asked hopefully.

" Yep. C'mere. I know you miss them since it's already... what? twenty years they're not with us. I miss them too. But check this out." Pegasus said and showed Y/N the layout of the realm's systems on the crystal.

Y/N smiled broadly as she scanned the system.

" They'll be back! But... for another thirteen years?" she asked.

" Yeah, honey. That's the least we can do. Unless... we can arrange the time, then we'll let you know," Pegasus replied.

" Okay. Thanks, Peggie," Y/N said.

Pegasus shrugged and smiled.

" No problemo, princess." then she flapped her wings and flew out of the balcony.


There you go, the prologue!
I know it's quite bad for the starting but... bear with it XD


Here's the sequel guys:


And also to you guys who's going to follow the adventure!

The first chappie will be out soon!

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