BONUS CHAPTER: April Fool's Special!

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Hey, guys! What's up? How's your April Fool's? Did you pranked anybody? Let me know down in the comments! Anyway, let's get started with the chappie.


April was woken up by freezing cold liquid splashing on her face which sent her jolting up on her bed. She rubbed at her face with her hands, feeling cold water dripping from her hair and soaking her bed wet. She glared at whoever had splashed the water to find Pumpkin smiling sheepishly at her with a big bucket, all the contents already spent spilt on her.

" Good morning, Appy! It'z the bezt day of the year for you!" Pumpkin said enthusiastically.

April huffed and jumped out of her bed, shivering from the cold.

" Just you wait, Pump. You'll get yours a little while later," she grumbled.

Pumpkin only giggled in return. " I have already experienced your prankz for yearz, Appy... how worze could it get?"

" You'll see." April only replied with a smirk.

She then proceeded to walk away and grabbed her towel before entering the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

After she came out of the bathroom with dry clothes, she tugged on her boots and walked out of the door of hers and Pumpkin's house while her best friend followed her. They closed the door and Pumpkin snapped her fingers just as her broom floated in the air towards them and stopped exactly in front of Pumpkin.

" Hop on."

They both hopped on the broom and soon they went drifting through the air until they reached Mix Academy.

When they reached the academy, they were both shocked to see all the doors and windows were closed shut and everything looking so dark inside. Pumpkin's broom slowly landed and they jumped down from the broom.

" What's going on around here?" April whispered softly, temporarily forgetting about April Fool's day.

She softly went up the stairs and stood right in front of the doors and knocked.

No answer.

She knocked again and after a few more times, she gave up. That didn't stopped her from checking the windows though. She cupped her hands over her face and pressed them against one of the windows and let her eyes wander around.

The hall was dark... and completely empty! There is nobody in sight. Surely, even if they were trying to trick her, one of them would be spotted but there were none.

" There's nobody inside the academy!" she exclaimed frantically, turning around to face Pumpkin who was busy talking to her broom. Pumpkin paused doing whatever she was doing for a while and turned around with wide eyes.

" What?! Are you zure?" she asked.

April nodded. Pumpkin seemed thoughtful for a while before finally pointing at the door.

" Try to open the door... maybe it'z unlock?"
April bit her lower lip nervously and then hesitatingly lifted her hand up to rest on the door knob. After blowing out a breath, she turned the knob and pushed the door opened.

It creaked a little as it swung opened, revealing nothing but the dark and empty hall which seemed to be slightly deserted. She stepped a foot in and then stopped abruptly before turning around again to find Pumpkin back to talking to her broom and stroking it.

" Aren't you coming in?" at the sound of her voice, Pumpkin turned around slightly and stared at the opened door for a while and then she nodded.

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