Chapter 44

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The next morning, Y/N woke up as usual, though her eyes were still slightly puffy. She stretched and then jumped out from her bed before making her way towards the window, the sky was still dark with a hint of blue. She turned and looked at the clock to see it was only six in the morning. She bet the whole castle were still asleep but she didn't went back to bed, instead she grabbed her towel and stepped into the bathroom to take a long, relaxing bath after filling the bathtub with essential oils and bubbly soaps.

When she came out of the bathroom, she felt calmed and refreshed, the sky by then had turned a dark bluish colour and she pulled on a long white shirt and leggings before pulling on her socks as well. She then combed her hair not before staring at herself in shock in front of the mirror.

Instead of her pink hair, now her hair had turned into a bright dark red and it fell perfectly down to her waist, while her eyes shone a dark pink.

" What in the..." she trailed and started combing her hair slowly, she'll ask Manny about it later on.

Then she grabbed her favourite sneakers and put them on before making her way to the door. When she walked out, a few servants were already dusting here and there.

" Oh, Your Highness! You're awake," a maid that she didn't get to remember her name greeted brightly.

All the servants turned to her and all had a look of curiosity on their faces upon seeing her hair.

" Yeah, my hair. Um... I need to go out for a while. Will you tell my mom that I'll be at the academy when she wakes up?" Y/N asked. The maid nearest to her nodded. " Thanks. Have a good morning!" she finished and then walked away.

" Your Highness! Don't you want to have breakfast first?" another maid asked, stopping Y/N.

Y/N shook her head.

" I'll get breakfast at the academy. Thanks!" she called out and then walked away, out of the castle and grabbed a bicycle and cycled her way to the academy.

As soon as she reached the academy, she trudged up the stairs and knocked on one of the huge doors since it was tightly shut. It finally swung opened magically after a few knocks and she went inside to find everyone busy.

Tooth, who was chatting with Autumn noticed Y/N standing at the doorway and flew towards the girl.

" Y/N! Oh my chattering teeth, did you dye your hair?" she asked.

Y/N shook her head.

" That's why I came here. Where's Manny?" she asked back.

Autumn bid farewell to the two before she walked away, joining a group of guardians who were decorating the hall. Tooth noticed Y/N's curious look and smiled brightly.

" You missed the announcement. Go to Manny's office, they're probably discussing about the ceremonies." she said and then flitted away to join Autumn and the rest.

Y/N frowned to herself but walked towards Manny's office. When she reached the door, she knocked on it and then went inside.

" Goodness, Y/N. What happened to your hair?" it was Jack who greeted her first.

Y/N jumped a little as Jack surprised her.

" Thanks, a very great energy booster to start up the day," she muttered sarcastically.

Jack chuckled nervously before turning around to face Manny. Manny was seated behind his desk with Odielta by his left side and Pegasus on the other side. Jack Dark stood beside Pegasus and Evelyn sat on a chair while Hazelia stood a few feet from them, leaning herself against the wall. Surprisingly, even Janice was there. When Manny saw Y/N, he smiled.

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