Chapter 41

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" You kidnapped her?!" Y/N asked angrily.

" Oh, relax, sweety. Don't you realized she's always been kidnapped?" Mother Gothel asked while Hazelia glared at her weakly.

" Twenty years ago, Evelyn didn't kidnapped me. I went by my own will," Hazelia said.

" Oh, yes. You turned yourself in order to keep your friends safe... also sacrificing yourself. How touching was that...?" Mother Gothel asked.

" Very actually." Evelyn chimed in, appearing from the crowd. " I should've done something to all of you, not her." she added.

" Evelyn, Evelyn... such, sweet, lovely Evelyn... I used to be your mother, don't I? I took care of you! And your sister Tasha? So what are you going to do now? You're nothing but just plain immortal since you foolishly let your dark side die!" Mother Gothel exclaimed.

" I did because she was out of control! And did you not remember you all used to work for me?" Evelyn shot back.

" Agh! You ungrateful child, let me finish you off!" and with that, Mother Gothel shot a grey blast from her hand and it came towards Evelyn.

Evelyn knew she was going to die in that exact moment and so she just closed her eyes and waited for the impact.

It never came.

All she heard was gasps and sobs coming from the crowd. She slowly opened her eyes to a horrible sight she had ever experienced in front of her.

Tasha had her eyes wide and she looked down at her stomach to see a grey glow that seemed to be inside her. Lines started appearing on her arms, neck, and soon her entire body. Her face turned a shade darker like she's been burned from the inside and the lines suddenly grew thorns so it was like she was covered in thorns tattoos. She looked at Evelyn and gave her sister a weak smile before falling to the ground as blackness consumed her.

Evelyn and the rest could just stare with wide eyes at her unconscious sister. Her world seemed to stop and she couldn't even hear what's happening around her.

Hazelia let a tear slipped down her scraped cheek, stinging the wound. She stared silently at Tasha's limp body crumpled on the ground.

She watched as Evelyn slowly kneeled down on the ground with tears streaming down her face as she lifted Tasha's head onto her lap.

" No... no... NO!" she screamed.

To other people, the scream was short, but to Hazelia, it echoed in her head. She had heard the scream before... then it clicked in her.

It was Evelyn's scream she heard in her vision.

She felt something burned in her. Rage, anger, everything jumbled inside her. She had to do something. If she had fought with them, none of this would have happened.

Y/N felt like she has been holding her breath as Tasha fell to the ground... the girl she used to hate so much. Of course, she knew Tasha's already dead. Whatever magic Mother Gothel was using was strong. She had never saw that kind of magic. But Tasha's wide eyes was still clear in her mind. When she suddenly ran in front of her sister, the magic hitting her, the way she looked at everyone, the way she smiled at her sister, and her falling down to the ground. Y/N couldn't help but let tears fell down her cheeks. Even how much they had bickered and insulted each other, Y/N had never realized Tasha was close to a friend. Tasha has been with her since before she even stepped a foot in Mix Academy, since she's been in the Normal Realm. She didn't even have time to apologize to Tasha after also being mean to her.

But one thing echoed in her head; Mother Gothel will freaking pay.

" Why would you do this?! Don't you love or loved her even a bit?!" Evelyn cried out, standing up and pointed a finger at Mother Gothel.

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