Chapter 48

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" And... now we'll be continuing the remaining ceremonies again!" April announced after they had the short break.

She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and looked down at it before making eye contact with the audience again, this time it was only her with the microphone while Pumpkin stood silently beside her without a microphone.

" This time, we will celebrate the election of Hazelia as the Guardian of All Life and the Leader of the Guardians!" she paused. " Hazelia, Manny, and Mother Nature... please come up to the stage while the rest of the guardians line up in front. Ladies and gentlemen, do give some space for the guardians."

The audience scooted their chairs a little behind as the guardians lined up in front of the stage while Hazelia, Manny, and Mother Nature walked up the stage.

Hazelia felt her heart thumping loudly in her chest and her hands were sweaty with the nervousness washing over her. She stood in the middle of the stage with her back facing the other guardians and the audience and Manny and Mother Nature stood in front of her side by side as they both smiled down kindly at her. She returned back a weak smile, feeling more nervous after thinking about the responsibilities she'll be having. Pumpkin came up to them and clipped on a mini microphone on each of them before whispering a "good luck" towards Hazelia and then retreating back to her place beside April.

" Alright, the election will begin..." April trailed off when Pumpkin whispered in her ear and she suddenly cursed under her breath. " Sorry, sorry, triple sorry! I forgot somebody very important! I seriously didn't saw his name here. My bad..." she said and everyone laughed.

Hazelia joined in the laugh, feeling the pressure lessened a little at April's mistake.

" I need North to be here up on stage! How can I forget the guy who always reads the vows? Goodness. Sorry, North," she finished sheepishly.

The entire hall laughed again as North went up the stage before Pumpkin came and handed him a thick big leather book.

North smiled and walked to the center of the stage, stopping exactly in front of Hazelia. He smiled warmly down at Hazelia who returned it with a small one.

" Are you ready, Hazel?" he said.

He didn't have to use a microphone, he already had a booming voice that the whole hall could hear. Hazelia shrugged and nodded slowly after taking a deep breath.

" Alright... Hazelia Aura, are you willing to have this big responsibility as the leader of us guardians?" North asked.

" I am willing," Hazelia replied, her voice echoing throughout the hall.

" Are you willing to have this big responsibility to protect and guide not just us guardians, children around the world, nature, or animals... but possibly all living things?"

" I am willing."

" Will you sacrifice yourself to protect what you are meant to protect?"

The question came down heavy for her but she took a deep breath and nodded.

" I will, no matter what the cost."

" Lastly, do you think you are ready for this?"

She frowned. " I am born ready."

The whole audience applauded for her answer.

North, Manny, and Mother Nature beamed at her.

North nodded his head approvingly before turning to Manny.

" Now, Manny... are you willing to give away your title as the leader of us guardians to Hazelia Aura?" he asked.

" With all my heart," Manny replied.

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