Chapter 49

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When Hazelia finished washing off her makeup, leaving her face looking natural, she heard her name being called again onto the stage.

She waved at Jack Dark who walked away then to join with their other friends.

Hazelia went up, joined with Manny while North was already waiting with the thick book.

" Alright, now we're going to celebrate the throning of King Manny as the new king of the Moon Kingdom," April announced.

She nodded towards Pumpkin and the Halloween Spirit approached Hazelia and Manny to clipped the microphones to them again. She rushed away before coming back with a glass box. In the glass box was a shiny silvery-white crown studded with a single sparkling creamy white stone, a moonstone. She handed the box to Hazelia who took it gently while looking down at it and sighing an almost sad sounding sigh. She finally looked up at North, who was looking at her, with a big smile and nodded.

" The celebration will begin," April paused. " Manny, I need you to kneel down on the ground." she added.

Manny did as he was told and looked up at North.

" So... I will start off with you, Manny." North said. " Do you think you will lead your kingdom like how a real king would?"

" I will," Manny answered, his voice calm.

" Will you put in effort to make your kingdom a better place?"

" Of course."

" Are you willing to protect and fight for your kingdom?"

" Absolutely."

" Finally, will you make sure you won't let your people down?"

" I will do everything to make sure they won't be let down by me."

" Thank you, Manny. Now, Hazelia." North said, turning to the purple haired girl. " Are you ready for this?" at his question, everyone seemed to hold their breath... it was her late father's kingdom and was supposed to be her kingdom after all.

" Yes," she replied, making everyone sighing in relief.

"Alrighty then. Firstly, are you willing to hand down your late father's kingdom to Manny?" North asked.

" Yes."

" Do you think he will be a good king?"

" Definitely. I have faith in him."

Manny looked up and smiled at her at that.

" Why do you want to hand down the kingdom to him, of all people?"

" Because I trust him and I just know he is the perfect one to rule my father's kingdom. Besides, he is after all the man in moon himself and my father's bestest friend."

Everyone gave a chorus of "aww"s.

" Will you feel sad and perhaps angry while placing the king's crown on his head?" North asked the question slowly.

Hazelia looked at the crown in the glass box in her hands and softly smiled. Even though she barely knew her father, by looking at the crown made her felt connected to him someway, somehow. She finally looked up and gave the brightest smile she could come up with and looked straight to Manny who stared at her with concern.

" No. Because I know this crown will be amazing placed on top of Manny's head. He is like a father to me now I think of it. In fact, he is like a father to all of us even though he looked like a young man in his twenties," a chorus of agreement was heard across the hall, making Hazelia, Manny, North and a few other people laughed.

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