A Note From The Author

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Okay... *takes a deep breath* *squeals*

So, basically where I live right now, is  31st of December... And tomorrow will be 1st January, 2018.

This year has been a great writing year for me.

But first thing first, this book has reached 1.14k (if I'm not mistaken)?! And 93 votes. Okay, maybe it's not a big deal for you but to me it is... If you guys are in front of me, I'll hug each one of you. The first book has reached 5.07k reads and I'm feeling happy right now since I've just noticed.

I've also made some friends this year and you guys are just so sweet! I just want to wish you a Happy New Year (not really the perfect time to wish but my internet is trying to commit suicide so... I'm afraid I'll have to post this now XD)! May we all collect more memories to store in our minds next year!

And thanks guys for making my book reached 1.14k views... You guys are awesome!


( made this myself ^)

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( made this myself ^)

I would like to see your opinions in the comments below!

H-A-P-P-Y     N-E-W     Y-E-A-R


Aura Lysa Moon a.k.a Author Aura

Unite (sequel to Team) Big Four + reader + Hazelia, my fictional twinWhere stories live. Discover now