Meeting Him~1✔

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Typing my last paragraph in my essay assignment, I wondered, what if my parents survived the accident? What would my life be like? I wished they were here. Or just someone to help.

The closet door creaked open abruptly.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

I stared blankly at the closet door, thinking it must've been the wind. Then I glance at my windows, they were shut. Maybe it's just a rat? Or something else. Don't scare yourself, Heather! I sighed and continued typing, ignoring the closet.

Then the closet door flung open. Now, I was freaking scared to death.

"Um," I cleared my throat quietly. "Whoever you are, could you leave? Please?" Ugh, I'm so dumb, asking what's probably living in my closet to leave. I rolled my eyes. Oh jeez. This is scary. I was contemplating whether I should wake Namjoon to check out my closet.

I stared into the darkness inside my closet. I attempted to swallow a lump forming in my throat.

Suddenly the door slammed shut. This is not normal! I squealed in fright.

The beat of my heart quickened as I leaped off my bed and ran to Namjoon's door. He answered within a matter of seconds. With hair sticking up in all directions and an annoyed expression, he glared at me but soon softened the eye contact.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Rubbing the sleep of his eyes. I almost smiled but then remembered why I was standing at his door at 1 in the morning.

"Uh- I just- it's- um. I think something's in my closet, in my bedroom. It's kinda scaring me," I rubbed my left arm with my hand. "Could you, maybe, take a look?" I asked awkwardly.

He smiled slothfully and began to speak.

"Alright, just let my change my-"

"No! I mean no need," I shook my head lightly in embarrassment. "You're just gonna check- okay, go get changed," his eyes began to droop slightly so I coughed to get his attention back.

"It's fine, I can't be bothered anyways," He said with a wave of his hand and walked outside with his light blue airplane pajamas and fluffy socks. Cute.

He entered my room and I followed behind right behind him, still a bit scared. He looked around and headed to my closet.

His cheeks became redder by the second after opening the door. Was he blushing? Why?

I followed his line of sight to see my drawer of bras. I mentally face-palmed. My cheeks burned a little.

"I don't think there's anything in here," he laughed softly. But it was one of those nervous laughs where you don't know what to do.

"Oh okay. Sorry for waking you up," I bit my lip.

"It's fine don't worry about it Heather," he smiled.

"G-good night. Um. You didn't see anything right?" I smiled anxiously.

"Nope. But cute panda bras," he winked at me and headed to his apartment.

I screamed internally and gripped the roots of my hair in frustration. That was so embarrassing! Maybe I was imagining things, right?

I sat back down at my desk and started typing again. The rest of the time I was working, nothing scary happened. And once I had finished my essay, I decided it was time for bed


*beep beep*

My alarm woke me up, I sat up from my bed. I got dressed and ate breakfast. The school was so boring but I guess I had to get through it. Plus, I'd spent all night on my essay to finish. Granted, I wrote it last minute, but still!

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