A/N and 1

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Welcome to myyyy story. Ok I am still not sure if I should keep that story. I think I' m going to make the story like a BIIIG flashback.

I'll tell you a bit about myself and if you aren't interested (thx) then just scroll down to the story :)

I am a girl and I love 1D, The Vamps & Little Mix a LOT. I have brown long hair that is blonde in the ends and have green eyes. I am not really tall. One day I'll find a unicorn. My first language isn't english so if i have mistakes don't kill me. I'm REALLY clumsy and sometimes a bit stupid hehe. My favourit animal is... oh I love all animals! I love the beach. It's my fav place on earth as well on the night time. I learn english and spanish in shool. so I guess that's all right now. If you have question just ask in the comments... ok nobody will really read my book.
and nooooow to the story. ahhhh excited

"So Anabell tell us why you've been away for a year" the interviewer asks and holds the microphone so I can speak in it.

"that's a long story" I tell her not really wanting to talk about it.

"tell us" she holds the mic to me again. I sigh and start telling her my story.

"well, it all started for 3 years when I met Harry. We got along really well and soon started dating. But after nearly a year" I paused "it got worse from day to day" I didn't care anymore I just need to get it of my chest.

"what happened?" she asks not as hyper as she was before

"I loved him and he loved me. At least that was what I thought. It all went really well. We laughed, we kissed, we joked around, we were just happy. But from one day to another he was different. A few days after that 'change' of him I met my best friend Brad Simpson and we went to the mall. I wanted to go home but he told me he wanted to go to starbucks so we went there. He opened the door for me and I smiled at him but I felt my smile dropping probably to china at the thing I saw next. My boyfriend Harry Styles hugged and kissed a girl. A girl that was definitily not me. And she was really pretty." I paused again thinking of that day

" Brad saw it too and lead me out again and took me home. The ride was silent and I turned to face the window so he wouldn't see me cry."

she looked at me a little sad probably waiting for me to go on.

"I thanked him and he asked if he could do anything for me. I looked at him and said "just don't let anybody know". He told me he would be sorry but I never understood why he said that because it was DEFINITELY not his fault. It was his. He left and I started to cry again"

I know it's a little short but I've planned a lot mwuhahahaha. It'd be really nice if you could comment what you think of that story so far and if I should keep updating.

x me

--------future me------

Hi guys. I am sorry the start is shitty but it'll be better in a few chapter I promise

x me

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