427 7 21

Hiii cuties
Had a pretty good day but my back still kills me. I don't know what it is but every time I see my math teacher in shool, my back starts to hurt. This can't be coincidence. I think I should go to a doctor so I don't have to do maths anymore🙃

I lay on the couch with Brad on top of me because we just had a pillow fight and then he just fell asleep

I grab my phone and look at the messages I have. I blocked Harrys number so he would stop texting me

unknown number: Anabell komm schon Wir müssen reden (Anabell come on we need to talk)

That's Jack. He is the only one talking german to me. My dad was from germany

me: Nein. und woher hast du meine nummer?? (no. and how did u get my number??)

Jack: Habe meine Wege. Komm um 12 zum Park vor eurem Haus. (Have my ways. Come to the park infront of your house at 12)

me: woher weisst du wo wir wohnen? (how do you know where I live?)

Jack: komm einfach zum park (just come to the park)

I don't respond and it's hard to decide if I should go there or not. I mean they hurt me so much and I'm not sure if I even want to have contact to them again

Before I know it I carefully push Brad off me and stand up. I walk to the front door and put my shoes on really quietly so no one will notice

I close the door. But luckily (note the sarcasm) it makes a big bang. I run away from the house in case someone would look

When I reach the park I look around but nobody is there. I sit down on a bench and wait. I look at my watch


He is late. Maybe it was just a joke I will just go home. I stand up and take two steps when a hand lays on my shoulder

"Hey Ja-" I turn around to face a person. Not Jack. Not Cole. Harry "shit" I start to run away in the direction of the house but at the end of the park stands Liam so I turn right.

Well there stands Zayn. I quickly turn around and see Harry is still a few meters away from me so I run in the direction I think none of them is

But then Louis jumps in my way and trys ro grab me but I take a step back. I wont let them win that easily.

I take another step but bump into something I know is not a tree. I start to sprint away before they could grab me

I'm only a few meters away from the house when I fall over a stone. I swear it just jumped in my way

I quickly stand up again and I come closer to the house. But of course somebody grabs me and pulls me harshly to their chest

I know it's Harry because his curls fall in my face when he presses a kiss on my head "You should stop running away. We will always get you love"

Chills running down my spine and I get goose bumps at what he just said. "And you should stop chasing me like an animal" I snap

"Oh Anabell you know why we are doing this" he whispers in my ear his hair tickeling my ear and cheek

"Yeah and you know it wasn't me distroying our relationship Harry" I snap fighting against his grip "but guess what Harry I'm over it and I moved on. You should try it"

"Yeah but why moving on when you can have somebody you love?" he says and I can nearly hear the smirk in his voice

"Why f*cking a girl when you have a girlfriend?" I ask and now I smirk. It hurts my heart a little thinking back to that day

Then I think of Brad and an idea comes in my mind. Brad. He's just a few meters away

I start to shout "Brad! Help me Harry is here!" Harry seems lightly confused "Braaaaaaaad! I'm in the park! come and help me"

Harry seems to get it because he covers my mouth with his hand. He wont win. Not this time.

I bite as hard as I can and he pulls his hand back and also loosening his grip on me

I start to run again and shout "Brad open the door!" I'm not sure if he heard me

I guess not because the door stays closed and I left my key in the house. Dang it

I turn around and see Harry running faster with a look on his face that could kill. And he probably want to kill me right now

I think this is the first time I am actually scared of Harry. I was scared when he texted me yes but never as much as right now

I panic but I swear myself I wont pass out again. I run to the back door hoping it would still be open

Well it isn't.

So I start to run around the house again. The boys aren't there so I bang on the door a few times. No answer.

I don't know what to do so I just hide in a bush so they wont find me. I can see them but they can't see me and I listen to their conversation

"Where is she?" Harry growls

"I don't know Harry. It's weird. Only a few moments before I saw her" Zayn says looking around

"She isn't in the park" Louis says walking up to them

"And not in the neighborhood" Niall says walking up to them aswell

I see Liam walking up to them too and he looks around. How can I get out of here? If I just run they will see and get me. I have to wait

I take my phone out of my pocket and think if I should call Brad or Perrie but then they will hear me so I start texting both

me: Help me. Harry is here. I'm outside in the garden

Brad: the boys will distract them and then you will stand up and run to the front door. I will wait there okay?

me: yeah okay

In the next moment I hear a noise a few meters away. I see Harry and the boys walking away and I quickly stand up and run to the front door. A few steps infront of the door somebody grabs me and pulls me in a bush

The person has one hand on my mouth and with the other holding me tightly. I'm shocked and try to get out of the grip holding me really tight to a body

"shhh" Is the only thing the person says but I don't know who it is.


the end.

just kidding I wont be ready for a looooong time. I hope you don't mind the short german part and I hope all of you had a great day too just like me♡

x me

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