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Hey lovely people
So first of all I gave my friend the hug and I think he was thankfull but of course he didn't show it. Welllllllllllllll my day wasn't that good because my back kills me and my teachers got on my nerves a lot so I'm really happy I have time to write now🙃

I don't get it. They are dead. The accident. The funeral. All the years I thought they were dead... and now I am sitting in the woods, crying with my brother and ex-boyfriend standing infront of me.

"Anabell is that really you?" Cole asks taking a step closer to me. I stand up an take a step back "Why are you backing away from me babe?"

"Don't you dare babe me! You two... I... What?" I don't know what to say and my heart beats so fast

My chest starts to hurt and I see black sparkles. They get bigger till all I can see is black and I pass out.

"Ani come and play with me!" Jack shouts from downstairs. I quickly jump of my bed and run down the stairs. 'What's that? I guess I am dreaming'

'another dream. I think that was when I was 13' "Jack come on you need to help me! What should I wear? It's my first date with him" I whine

"I still don't think it's good if you date my best friend Ani" he crosses his arms and I pout "you should wear the black shirt. It matches better with your jeans" he sighs

"thank you Jacki!" I hug him and he smiles

'next dream'. This is when I was 16. It's my parents funeral. I don't know how they died. Nobody ever wanted to tell me so I stopped asking

"Are you ready Ani?" Jack asks holding my hand. He is 18 now

"No" I say looking at him

"We can wait" he gives me a half smile

"No I mean I will never be ready for that" I look down "lets go"

'now it's another funeral. The one from Jack and Cole' Today I have nobody to hold my hand and nobody to ask if I would be ready.

I mean it would be the same answer but it would be nice to have Jack or Cole with me.

I still can't belive they are dead. Why did they have to die? Why couldn't they stay alive? Why me?

"Ani wake up. Come on" Jack says shaking me

I open my eyes to see Jack and Cole standing there watching me. So it wasn't a dream?

I look around to see an unfamiliar room. It's not really big

"I missed you so much babe" Cole says trying to kiss me but I slap him

"Don't touch me! And don't lie to me. If you two would've miss me you wouldn't have done all this pretending to be dead! I mean what's wrong with you? You left me alone! Everybody said it was my fault that you two died. And I believed it. You ruined my live okay? So don't you dare call me babe" I shout standing up "and you aren't my boyfriend anymore" I whisper

"You don't understand this Ani" Jack says

"You're right. I don't understand. I never understood why you would die. The two persons I loved the most. And for you Jack don't call me Ani. My brother is the only person who is allowed to call me that" They make me so angry

"But I am your brother" He says taking my hand

"not anymore" I whisper pulling my hand back and walking out of the room.

I start to run what is really difficult because I don't know this house. I manage to find the front door and run.

I hear Cole behind me shouting my name and telling me to stop running but haha no

I slow down because I can't breath anymore but of course Cole catches me and turns me around to face him

"Anabell-" he starts

"No Cole! Stop it and let me go!" I struggle in his grip but he just grabs harder

"Just listen!" he raises his voice. He never did that when we were a couple. I am shocked "Sorry but listen" he says calming down

"I really don't want to hear it. Let me go Cole" I whisper with a tear falling to the floor

"Anabell I wont let you go ever again. I love you okay?" he puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head with it

He trys to kiss me but I pull away. He looks at me "I have a boyfriend Cole" I say

He looks at me for a few seconds till he grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of the house I was running from

"Cole let me go! I don't want to see you two so let me go!" I cry

"shut up" he growls and I shut my mouth

We walk in the house to see Jack with his arms crossed over his chest. "Anabell we only want to talk to you" he says

"But I don't want to talk to you. My brother is dead" I say looking him in the eyes "I will go home now. To my friends and boyfriend. The people who really love me"

"But we love you too" Cole says

"No you don't. If you wold love me you wouldn't pretend you're dead and let me go through all this shit" I say

"Did you do anything? You know like cutting? I know your strong..." Jack asks looking sternly at me

"I'm not gonna lie to you. Yes I started cutting. I did it a lot of times. I also stopped eating. I was anorexic and some more shit" I say looking him in the eyes

"Why?" his look softens

"Ohh maybe because it isn't really nice when your brother and boyfriend are dying and people tell you that it's your fault and you start to belive them" I say annoyed

Both are just looking at me with wide eyes and I think Jack is on the edge to cry. It hurts to say things like that to my brother and the boy I used to love but they hurted me more than I could ever hurt them

I turn around and open the door. before I step out I turn around again "I was on your graves every year. I talked to you. I told you about my whole life. Not even the worst person on this planet deserves to go through what I went through" I turn around again "And don't follow me"

And with that I walk out of the house and actually find back to the place Connor took me.

And to my suprise he was still there. He must've been sitting here for hours. I walk over to him "Connor?"

He turns around with wide eyes and just hugs me "I am sorry Ana"

"It's okay Con. Lets just go home okay?" I smile at him and he nods as we walk back to the car and drive back to the house of the boys

I open the door laughing at Connors joke but when I look up I see Brad standing there. Pissed.

"Where habe you been?" He asks through gritted teeth

"Just out. We were awake and you were still sleeping so we went out" I shrug

"It's half past 10. At night." he growls

"Hey calm down bro. We are back now and she is fine" Connor says walking past Brad

Brad walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist and I giggle while putting mine around his neck

"I am sorry. I was just worried about you" he says calmer

"It's okay. I would've been worried too. Next time I will leave a massage" I say smiling and then he lays his lips on mine

Next chapter... I think I write this under every chapter... Who cares? Well thank you for reading
If there are any mistakes I am sorry I'm tired haha

x me

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