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Hii guys
this is the 3rd day I upload but I don't know if I will upload every day because of shool and sports bla bla bla.

a month later

I have my own flat now. It's not too big but enough to live in. I'm not really well and I just lay in bed and stare at the wall most of the day. And when I don't stare at the wall I cry.

I was starring again when I hear the doorbell ring. I groan not wanting to see anyone. The doorbell rung again and I stand up walking to the door and open it to reveal a mop of curls.

"Hi Brad" I say looking at him

"Hey Anabell" he smiles sadly

"what's up?" I ask letting him in

"I want you to go out of that flat" He walks in sitting on my couch "you haven't been out since you bought it" he looks at me

"no thank you" I shrug sitting next to him.

"ok than get ready and we will leave" he smiles definitely ignoring what I just said

"you won't leave till I say yes right?" I sigh

"nope" he smiles brighter

"well then make yourself comfortable because you will die in here" I say standing up

"oh come on" he says stretching the on








"Ok then get ready and then we can leave" he smirks at me. I groan and walk upstairs to get ready

I put on a jumper and some ripped jeans I find in my closet and throw my hair in a ponytail.

I walk downstairs again to see Brad on his phone but when he sees me he stands up and holds his hand out for me to take. I accept it and we go out of my house and I lock the door and sit in the passenger seat.

After a 15 min ride he parks the car and we walk into a beautiful park. We sit down on a bench and I speak up "how have you been" I look up at him

"worried about you" he looks down at me

I hug him "I am sorry I didn't meant to worry you" I mumble into his neck

"It's ok. Have you eaten enough?" he asks looking me in the eyes

"yes" I lie

"good" he hugs me tighter and stands up "want to go for a walk?" he smiles. I nod and stand up as he grabs my hand. It was nice

We walked a little while longer till we came to a lake with flowers everywhere "it's beautiful" I whisper

"not as beautiful as you" I look at him and he smiles. He leans in and I do too and then I feel his lips on mine. It felt like there would just be him and me in the world.

Our lips moving in sync and I had this feeling in my stomach. After a few seconds he pulls back "I'm sorry I don't know what got me -"

I cut him off by crashing my lips to his again and putting my hands around his neck. He was shocked but kissed back and puts his hands around my waist. We kissed a bit longer but pull back to catch our breaths.

He smiles at me and I smile at him.

After we went back to my flat we sit down watching tv. We're watching some celebrity news when there is a picture of him and me kissing in the park earlier and the reporter says "Anabell Hunt and Brad Simpson caught kissing in a park today. So is the break up with singer Harry Styles official? There are rumours that Harry cheated on Anabell for a while but none of them ever said it was the truth or just a rumour. Brad Simpson and Anabell Hunt were friends before and I think they make such a cute couple. What do you think about the 'Humpson' relationship? Tell us in on our social media"

she starts ro talk about another theme and Brad and me just look at each other and burst out laughing

"Humpson?" I ask between my laughs

"I guess that's their ship name" he laughs. we laugh for a little while longer till he speaks up again "so Anabell what do you think about the 'Humspon' rumours?" he asks pretending to hold a microphone to me

"well it's true that we kissed and I really like him" I say trying to hold my laughter

"so you would date him?" he asks raising one eyebrow

"if he would ask me out I would definitely say yes" I say serious now. He takes my hand in his looking at me

"Anabell Hunt would you make me one of the happiest man alife and go on a date with me?" he asks serious now

"yes" I whisper and he crashes his lips to mine.

He fell asleep and I go on you tube and search for Brad Simpson. I find an interview and watch it.

"if you could date one celebrity, who would it be Brad?" the interviewer asks him

"Anabell Hunt. She is gorgeous." he replys smiling. And I smile to myself


We just sit there for a while longer when I grab my phone to see I have a message. It was sent at the time when we saw the picture in the TV

unknown number: I see you have a new boyfriend. Don't get too close bc I will find and get you. watch your back.

x H

No. this can't happen.

Next chapter is up :) have some things planned... like always. I hope you like the story so far.

x me

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