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Hii guys
So I'm sick and at home so I can write yeaahhh. Also today is the birthday of the one and only Liam Payne and OMG I love them so much. I hope he can be with Cheryl and Bear. But here we goooooooooooo

I wake up in a dark room. I try to stand up but I am handcuffed to what I guess is the bed I'm laying on. My head hurts like hell but I couldn't care right now

Then I remember last night. Harry and the boys. They kidnapped me. what do they even want?

Before I can think anymore I hear the door unlocking and I quickly close my eyes pretending to be asleep. I can hear footsteps coming closer

"I know you're awake Anabell" Harry says but I keep my eyes closed "open your eyes" he says sternly

I keep my eyes closed not wanting to look at him "Anabell!" he shouts. I cringe at his shouting

"what?" I whisper still not looking at him

"I told you I would get you back" I can nearly hear the smirk on his face "and now you are here" I hear him coming closer to the bed "with me and the boys"

I don't resopnse but I feel him starring at me "take a picture it will least longer" I say annoyed

"Oh I have enough pictures of you. Belive me." He takes another step to the bed and I gulp "Gosh I missed you"

"I'd like to say that I missed you too but my mom told me to never lie" I say innocently

"don't make me angry. You wouldn't like that" he growls a bit now

"If you would let me go I couldn't make you angry" I shrug still not looking at him. I hear him coming closer to me till he stands infront of me

"open your eyes" he demands but haha no "open your damn eyes and look at me!" he shouts again but I just turn around so my back is facing him. I can feel him getting angry but that's exactly what I want "Liam would you please come in?" he says calmer

I hear the door open and close "what's up?" he asks. I still hate them

"take the cuffs away from her" I was lightly shocked and I guess Liam too

"Ehm o-okay" he says but it comes out more like a question. I feel the cuffs around my wrist open and I open my eyes and start to run

"get her!" Harry shouts and I open the door and run out and into what I guess is the living room. It looks quite pretty but I need to concentrate

I quickly look around till I can see a door and I run and open it. I can see grass. Freedom here I come. I start to run

I can see a street and run faster but the next moment I'm thrown over a shoulder. Like honestly why does everybody throws me over their shoulder? Is this a new game?

I hit the back I think belongs to Zayn "No! Let me go! Zayn let me go!" I cry out

"I'm sorry love but no and you will get punishment by him you know that?" he asks with no emotion

"what? no! you can't let him hurt me Zayn! Please let me go" I start to panick on his shoulders

He puts me down and sits me on a sofa and I hear Zayn yell "Guys help me she has a panic attack!" That's when I realize I'm breathing heavily

"what happened?" I hear Louis yell as he storms in

I have my eyes wide open but all I see is black and the noises around me get muffled. I'm still breathing heavily

I feel someone laying me down and telling me it'll be okay and I should calm down but I can't stop it. My hands are shaking a lot and the next moment I'm out. I just passed out

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