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This chapter will be different. She will remember the things so I will write it like it just happens. You know what I mean? I hope so...
but here is the next chapter

I know I shouldn't do that but I just couldn't handle it anymore. I am walking into my bathroom and look around to find somthing like a rasor blade. And I found one of Harrys. I looked at myslef in the mirror. The only thing I see is a girl that will never be loved. A girl that just got cheated on. My mascara runs down my cheeks and my hair is a bit messy. I look down on my hands. In one hand the blade... in the other hand a picture of Harry and me. I laid the picture on the sink and put the blade on my wrist. I take a deep breath and start cutting in my skin. It hurted first but then this feeling of relief runs through my veins.

I cleaned the sink my wrists and my face up and slipped into a jumper to hyde my fresh cuts.

A little while later Harry came home. I act like nothing happened.

"So how was your day?" I ask looking at him as we sat next to eachother on the sofa

"why would you care?!" he spat at me. I was shocked

"what have I done?" I asked a little scared

"just leave it" he said sitting back and taking his phone out of his pocket

"I'm going to the bathroom" I said quietly

"whatever" he mumbled not even looking up from his phone

I walk into the bathroom again and lock the door pulling my phone out of my pocket dialling the number and waiting for him to pick up the phone. After three and a half rings he finally picks up.

"Anabell?" Louis asked. Louis was always like a brother for me. All of the boys were but I know he could help me... maybe.

"yeah hi Louis" I breath out with a shaky voice

"are you ok love?" he asked worry clearly in his voice

"yes... no" I feel a tear rolling down my cheek

"what happened?"

"I think Harry's cheating" I blurt out

he paused for a few seconds but speaks up again "what makes you think that?"

"I saw him today.. kissing another girl. And he's on his phone and I guess he is texting her" more tears running down my face

"did you tell him? you know that you saw him" he asked but I think he isn't shocked at all... but why?

"no I acted like nothing happened and asked how his day was but he just snapped at me"

"Since when is he like that again?"

"a month I guess" I say and slide down the door

"hm ok I have to go now" he said and before I could reply he hung up

I laid my phone next to me and cried for a little more when I hear a knock on the door. "are you ok babe" Harry asked. I wonder why he would even care. I quickly wipe my tears away, stand up and unlock the door to open it

"yeah I am ok" I say faking a smile. I try to walk past him but he stopped me

"no you're not. what happened?" he asked

"like I said: yes I am ok" I try to walk past him again but he stopped me again. But this time he holds my arm very hard. "Harry you're hurting me" I whimper and try to push his hand away

"tell me what happened" he growls at me

"I saw you" I finally say looking down at the floor tears running down my cheek

"what do you mean?" he asked loosening a bit of his tight grip

"you and the girl. at starbucks" I whisper and wipe my tears away

he let go of my arm starring at me wide eyed and I push past him grab my keys and run out of our house and walk down the street. I just want to get away from him now.

I didn't notice it was that late but it's already dark outside but I don't care. I keep walking till I can see the little path I've been looking for and walk down till I have my feed in the sand.

I take of my shoes and walk to the water. I just let my tears fall into it. In the ocean my tears seem so... little.

I walk a few steps back and just sit down in the sand. My head in my hands I keep crying till somebody behind me speaks up "what is a pretty lady like you doing here all alone and sad?"

I look up to see a guy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He is quite tall

"none of your buisness" I spat at him

"hey no reason to be rude" he takes a step forwards. coming closer to me. I stand up and go backwards. away from him. "no no you're staying here little girl" he smirks and grabs my arm harshly and pulls me close to him.

"let me go you jerk" I try pulling back but he just grabs harsher

"no we're having a little bit fun now" he pulls me closer and pushes me down so I lay on the sand. My chest rising rapidly.

"no let me go!" I shout at him as tears start rolling down my cheek. again.

he holds his hand about my mouth and manages to press his body on mine so I couldn't move and starts to open my jeans. I cry even harder.


After he raped me he left and I just laid there in the sand and stare at nothing. My eyes got heavy and darkness takes over.

I wake up to someone shouting. "Here she is! Come here!" I try to open my eyes but I couldn't.

"She is breathing" I hear a familiar voice.

"That's all my fault. I shouldn't let her leave" I hear another familiar voice cry. But I know this voice. It is his voice. Harry.

I feel somebody throw me over their shoulder and then darkness comes back.

This chapter is quite long and I won't do every chapter that long but I just had the flow and couldn't stop writing hehe. comment what you think about the Story

x me

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