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Hi guys so first of all thank you sooo much for 110 reads I mean I have this story for a week now and I'm just really happy you like it. It was really weird I woke up this morning (ugh) and checked my phone and it was like
wattpad: new story update
wattpad: 20 new massages
And I was a little shocked but it was so nice to read your comments because they mean a lot to me so thank you so much for the support♡

Anabell Pov
Zayn and I step in the car and he starts to drive. It was silent but not in an awkard way. I think he knows I don't want to talk right now

Before we left the house Zayn gave me a black shirt from him so I don't have to go in my dress from the night they kidnapped me

I look out of the window and watch the trees and cars flowing by and think about Jack and Cole.

I am allowed to leave the hospital but to be honest I don't want to. I don't even know where to go so I just sit down on a bench infront of the hospital

I put my head in my hands and start to cry again. How could they just leave me? I love them so much

Their laughs keep repeading in my mind all the time. When I close my eyes I can see them.

Somebody sits down next to me but I just ignore the person. They will probably think I would be a crazy person. But maybe that's exactly what I am. Crazy

"why are you crying?" A male voice asks

"mind your own business" I snap. Okay I was too harsh "sorry I just have a rough time right now" I say looking up at him to look in wonderfull green eyes

"It's okay" He gives me a sad smile "do you want to talk about it?" he asks

"no. not really" I look at him. He is really attractive. Brown curly hair, these green eyes... wow. What? no I love Cole

"lets get a coffee" he stands up smiles at me and holds his hand out for me to take it

"what?" I ask confused. He must think I'm weird sitting all alone on a bench crying and he just asks to go on a coffee. Maybe he is the weird one...

"well you look like you could use a distraction and I don't think a pretty girl like you should sit here all alone and sad sooo lets go" He smiles bright still holding his hand out

"o-okay" I say grabbing his hand and standing up. That was the day I met Harry

My thoughts are interrupted by Zayn pulling up in a parking lot. He looks at me "are you ready?"

"I don't know" I whisper looking at him

He gives me a little smile "then we will wait till you're ready" and leans back in his seat. I give him a sad smile

"thank you Zayn. For all of that" I whisper and lean back in my seat too

After 5 minutes I speak up "okay" and he turns to look at me

"you sure?" He asks looking in my eyes and I nod. We both start to walk to the entrance but I stop. He looks at me and I take a deep breath and we start to walk again

We are coming closer to their graves and I feel my heart beat going faster. A lot. It beats like I would have just run a marathon and we all know that wont happen

We are standing infront of their graves. They are next to each other. I just stand there feeling the tears in my eyes when Zayn grabs my hand

I look at him and he gives me a half smile and I look back at the graves that belongs to the people that mean the most to me

Cole Dillen
07.09.1993 - 24.06.2013
Loving son, grand child and boyfriend. You will always be in our heart.

Jack Hunt
24.06.1992 - 24.06.2013
The best, most caring brother and friend of the world. We miss you.

Yeah it was Jacks birthday party we were coming from. He just got 21 years old. People say nothing happens without a reason but I never understood the reason that they had to die

I feel a hand whipe my cheek and that's when I raelize that tears are running down my face. I feel like the weight of the whole world would lay on my shoulders right now

I break down to my knees and just cry. I haven't let it out for a long time. Everytime I had to think about it and wanted to cry I didn't have time

But right here and now I just couldn't take it anymore.

"Zayn could you leave me alone please?" I ask between my tears

"I don't kno-" I cut him off

"please Zayn. I just want to be alone for a few minutes" I sob looking at him

he sighs "okay but I will be over there so don't try and run away" and then he leaves

I just let my tears fall again "Hei Jack. Hi Cole. It's four years now and it still hurts like it would've been yesterday. My life is a mess now. I stayed at Katys' for nearly a year and I met a wonderfull boy. You would've liked him. His name is Brad. To be honest when you two died I thought I could never fall in love again. I mean yes Harry was nice and I loved him. But then I met Brad. I feel the same for him like I felt for you Cole. It's just this feeling that he is the one. I wish he could be here with me right now. Hold my hand and hug me. I miss you two so much. Thank you that you made me feel happy whenever I was with you. I really hope the next time I come here Brad will be with me so you can meet him. He is gorgeous"

I smile to myslef thinking of Brad when somebody lays a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and start to cry and hug the person that stands infront of me now.


Wow another chapter is up and I really hope you enjoy reading and again thank you so so much♡

x me

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