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hey what's up

The next morning I wake up because my alarm rings next to me. I groan and turn it off

Slowly I make my way downstairs and make myself some coffee. I look into my fridge to find something to eat

Well. It's empty. I didn't buy food because I haven't eaten

After drinking my coffee I take a shower and wash my hair with some raspberry shampoo and my body with an apple shower gel

After drying my hair and body I walk over to my little make-up table and put on some concealer and a bit mascara

I put on a white t-shirt with some black ripped jeans and then put money and my phone in my black purse and grab my keys while putting on my jacket

I walk down the streets. It's quiet and nobody is around. It's beautifull. I love walking around the city when nobody is out

I can see the supermarket and when I was about to walk in I hear somebody calling my name "Anabell! Hey wait"

I turn around and to my suprise I see Tristan running and waving at me. I don't know if I want to talk to him. Like... yes he wasn't the one eating another girls face but he's the other girls face eaters best friend

I turn around again and just walk into the store ignoring the boy calling my name and telling me to wait. I quickly find the things I need and after paying I walk out of the store again

The door opens and I start to walk home. "What is so difficult with waiting?" damn.

"Hey Tris" I fake a smile "haven't seen you there" I say hoping I could just go home

"Oh yeah? You looked at me" he says a little mad. I just start to walk again ignoring him

He catches up with me and grabs my arm "Let go of me" I say trying to get out of his grip but he holds me in place

"Listen" he growls a bit and I instantly shut up "I am worried about Brad. We all are" I don't know what to say so I wait for him to continue "He started drinking again and he always brings new girls" okay that hurts "we see him bringing a girl home at night and the next night he already has the next girl" okay I get it

"And where does this involve me?" I ask biting my lip so I wont cry

"We want you to get back with him so he will stop" Tris says looking me in the eyes and I burst out laughing

"Y-you want me to get back with him?" I say inbetween laughs but he glares at me

"I am not joking Anabell. It's serious okay? He isn't well. When he is alone in his room we can hear him crying and screaming your name" Okay that makes me think

"Tris he cheated and he knew about my past so why would he do that?" I say feeling tears building in my eyes again

"I don't know but please talk to him or at least text him" he pleads. Wow Brad must be really bad

"I'll think about it okay?" I say and he nods. I just leave and walk home again

I sit on my chair and eat my food while starring at my phone. I am thinking hard if I should text him and decide to give it a try

I un-block his number but before I can write anything I get a text from him

Brad Simpson: hi
Brad Simpson: you unblocked me

me: I know

Brad Simpson: why?

me: I met Tris today. They are worried about you, you know?

Brad Simpson: why would they? what did he tell you?

me: Well you started drinking again and you bring home different girls every night

My heart aches while writing that

Brad Simpson: that's not true. Well yes I started drinking but the girls part is a lie
Brad Simpson: Okay maybe it's not
Brad Simspon: It isn't

me: It's okay Brad. I am not mad

Brad Simspon: Maybe not mad but you're disappointed
Brad Simpson: And I understand that
Brad Simpson: I am too

me: I am not gonna lie to you. Yes I am disappointed. A lot. You hurted me even though you knew about my past

Brad: I know and I am so sorry
Brad: can we meet I want to talk to you
Brad: I want to see you

me: I don't know Brad...

Brad: pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
Brad: just one coffee
Brad: I will pay
Brad: please Anabell
Brad: come pn
Brad: pn*
Brad: pn**
Brad: ON!!!!***

me: wow. how can I say no to that...

Brad: that's a yes?

me: yes okay

Brad: Yess! when?

me: idk

Brad: I'll pick you up at 4 just send me your address

me: no it's okay I will get there by myself

Brad: stubborn

me: :)

Brad: I missed that

After him texting me the address of the place we will meet I finally eat my food and wait for the time to pass

Well 4 o' clock comes closer and I start getting nervous. At 2 I hear the doorbell ring and I open it

"Hey Anabell" he says smiling and I smile back

"Hey Harry. What are you doing here?" I ask letting him in

"I thought I could just stop by" He says sitting down on my couch

"Oh okay" I smile "do you want something to drink?" I ask

"yeah some water would be nice" I nod and walk into the kitchen. I try to grab a glass but I can't reach it cause I am to small. I sigh and am about to give up when I feel two hands wrap around my waist and lifting me up so I can reach it

"need any help?" he asks clearly happy with himself

I giggle and grab the glass when he puts me down so my feed can touch the floor again

"thank you Harry" I smile and hand him his glass. He smiles at me when I take a look at the clock hanging on the wall and I gasp


have a lovely day

x me

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