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So today I will make a A/N because someone *wink* may like them. I don't have to say much so I'm gonna tell a short story that happened today. One of My best friends has a crush on a girl and I am the only one who knew that *proud* and today he told her (who is a really close friend) and he was so nervous to tell her and texted me all the time and I told him to calm down. But then the girl didn't believe him and both were texting me and I was in the middle of a BIG drama. In the end she told him that she doesn't love him and he was upset so he will get a BIG hug tomorrow. And I watched a really cute video of a puppy🙃

I wake up and turn around to see Brad sleeping next to me. Little snores escaping his mouth as I look at my phone to check the time.

04:03 am

Why am I awake so early?

I am not tired so I stand up and walk downstairs quietly so no one will wake up

I make my way in the kitchen and grab a glass and fill it with water. I take a big gulp

"buh" A voice whispers in my ear and I spit the whole water at the wall infront of me

Shaking I turn around to see a smirking Connor. "why are you up?" I ask calming down a bit

"I could ask you the same" He shrugs

"Well but I asked first" I smirk playfully sticking my tounge out

"I heard a noise and saw you walking downstairs so I wanted to make sure you're okay" He smiles blushing a bit "what about you?"

"I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore" I shrug and he nods "Aren't you tired?"

"No actually not" he shakes his hand "Do you wanna do something?"

"what do you mean?" I ask still cleaning the mess I made because of Con

"I want to show you something" I turn around to face him "so go get a shower and then we will leave" he says

And with that he walks upstairs again. I am lightly confused but do what he told me

I walk in the bathroom and lock the door. I strip my clothes and quickly jump in the shower.

After 10 minutes I turn the water off and wrap myself in a fluffy towel and dry my body

I brush through my long brown hair and blow dry it. I let it fall in their natural waves

I walk downstairs again and see Connor already sanding there waiting. "you ready?" he asks smiling

"I guess" I say smiling back and putting my phone in my jeans pocket. We walk to his car and he starts to drive

"where are we going?" I ask turning to face him

He smirks "you will see"

After a good 30 minutes ride he stops the car and we step out and start to walk

He stops and turns to me "close your eyes"


"just do it" he laughs and I hold my hands above my eyes and he leads me for a few minutes

He stops still holding my waist "open your eyes" I do and gasp at what I see

"that's.... beautifull" I say as I see the sunrise from the little path we were walking on.

We walk to a bench and sit down "thank you for taking me here. It's beautifull" I thank him

"my pleasure" he smiles at me "but I didn't take you here for no reason"

"what's up?" I ask looking at the sunrise infront of me again

"well ehm... I uhm" he starts and I turn to look at him

"tell me. you know you can tell me everything" I smile

"Well it's possible that I may like you. A lot. Not as a friend. More." he says looking at me. I am shocked

I stare at him for a few moments till he speaks again "Anabell please say something"

"I-I don't know what to say but I see you more as a friend" I say and I can see the sadness in his eyes

"Anabell please. I loved you first. I loved you since the first time we met"
he pleads but I stand up and take a step back

He stands up "Anabell come on give me a chonce" and comes closer but I run away.

I don't really know why or where I am running but I can't get it in my head that Connor, one of my best friends has feelings for me

I run in the woods and just run till I don't know where I am. Good job Anabell

I look around but it looks all the same. Just trees. Okay what else would be in the woods

My thoughts are interrupted by a noise. I turn around to see a shadow coming closer.

"Connor listen I am sorry for running away but can we please just go home?" I ask

The shadow comes closer and closer not saying a word "Connor? That's not funny" I say taking a step back

The shadow still coming closer to me I take another step back and another till my back hits a tree

But then the tree wraps his hands around my mouth and waist. Well I guess it isn't a tree

I scream but it's muffled because of the hand on my mouth. I struggle to get out of the trees grip and the shadow comes closer and I start to panic even more

When the shadow is only two meters away I close my eyes hoping I would just wake up in Brads bed

I feel a breath on my face "Well well well what do we have here?" The man infront of me says. This voice... it's so familiar

"what's your name dollface?" the same one asks. Why does this voice sounds familar... It's like I craved to hear this voice for a long time

And then it clicks in my head and I open my eyes instantly to see the one face I thought I would never see again

He looks at me and he is thinking. I guess he knows that we know each other... and then it hits him too

"take your hands off her" he says never breaking eyecontact

"w-what why?" the tree says and I know this voice too. the tree walks infront of me to stand next to him

In the moment he looks at me it hits him too. Now we are standing there looking at each other

"Anabell?" they say in disbelief at the same time

"Jack? Cole?" I say and break down to my knees crying

Uhhhhhhh got ya aye? I just had to bring them back. Hope you enjoyed this chapter hehe

x me

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