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I am back hehe
So in the last chapter Anabell and the boy are speaking english... in italy and I know that's not... like it is in reality but just imagine they are in an english city or something
oh and I did the time skip but for now just a few months. enjoyyyyy

I am here for two months now and I started dating the boy from the supermarket. His name is Levi and he is from England too.

So right now I am sitting on the couch with my aunt watching TV. The news came on and I looked up from my phone when I heard the all to familiar name

'Brad Simpson was seen drunk and with a blonde girl. What about Anabell Hunt? She hasn't been seen for two months but her friends said she is okay. Was Brad drunk because he misses her? find out later'

I was looking at the TV with my mouth open. My aunt brings me out of my stare when she speaks up "isn't that the boy you dated?" she looks at me

"y-yeah but it didn't work" I stutter. I am shocked. Brad never drunk. But why now? Are they right? Does he miss me? No. If he would miss me he wouldn't be with that girl

---------------- a year later-------------

I am on the airport now. I'm flying back to England today and I don't know how I should feel. I'm invited to the Brit Awards and they said I would be a suprise guest so I stayed quiet about it. Not even Perrie knows about it. This is going to be fun

My flight is called and I hug my aunt saying goodbye and then Levi. We were a couple for a few months but it didn't work out. We agreed to stay friends. And we did

"goodbye Ana and remember to call us when your in England okay?" Levi says when he hugs me

"yeah I will" I laugh wiping a tear from my aunts face "no don't cry. I'll come around again. I promise"

"pinky promise?" she laughed sticking her pinky out

"pinky promise." I laugh and wave goodbye when I step in the plane


The flight was quick and I slept most of the time. I grabbed my luggage and walk out of the building to grab a cab. The driver started to drive to my hotel. I sold my flat when I was in Italy

I thank him and give some extra money because he was nice

I check in and go to my room. It's on floor 11. The room is really big and you have a beautiful few over the city. It's a king sized bed and I just had to throw myslef on it. I lay like this for a few minutes but then I stand up to get a shower

After I dried myslef with the towel and blow dried my hair there was a knock on the door. I open it and 3 girls walk in. They are going to do my make-up, hair and help me with the dress

I have a white dress with long sleeves. It goes mid-thighs at the front but longer at the back.

The first girl starts to do my make-up while the second does my hair and the third my nails. We talk a lot and they are really nice

When they are ready they help me to put my dress on. When we have everything ready I look at myslef in the mirror and I have to say I look good. My make-up is natural but with some brown eyeshadow and black eyeliner.

My hair is in a tight ponytail with some braids. One on top of my head, and one on each side and in them are some sparkles

I thank the girls and we walk down together and I step into the limo

When we arrive I step out to walk on the red carpet and I hear a lot of screams

"omg is that.... No way"
"Ahhhh I love you Anabell"
"she is back"
"my life has a sense now"

I smile and wave at them and smile at the cameras and start to walk again on the carpet. It's a great feeling. When I step in the room where the 'real red carpet' is a lot of people came and talk to me.

I give a interview and the reporter asks "what is it between you and Brad Simpson?"

"well we were friends but we haven't talked for over a year now" I sigh giving her a sad smile. I miss him and I never stopped loving him. Yeah Levi was nice and I had feelings for him but not as strong as I feel for Brad

"oh that's sad. you make a cute couple" she says happy

I laugh a little but then I hear the voice I missed so much. Brad. He gives an interview and I go to the next Interviewer to answer his questions.

I can hear Brad talking and I think he drunk a few glasses but he's not that drunk. I listen to his interview "so Brad do you know that Anabell Hunt is here?" Oh gosh. Why did she have to say that?

"What? Where?" He asks, no, shouts in her face with his eyes wide

"I-I think over there" she stutters a bit scared

That's when I concentrate on my own interview again. "So Anabell, you are the suprise guest. Did you tell anybody?" he asks

"no I wanted to keep it a secret" I laugh a bit "Perrie still doesn't know and I am so excited to see her aga-" I'm cut off by someone hugging me extremly tight.

I turn around to find Brad standing there hugging me. "you are back" I can see a tear running down his cheek "I missed you" he hugs me again

"I missed you too Brad" I whisper in his neck

"I wanted to do that for a long time now" he starts

"do what Brad?" I ask curious

"that" he says crashing his lips on mine in front of all the paparazzis. Oh Brad

He pulls away and smiles at me and I can see a lot more camera flashes than before

Next chapter ready. I wrote it in the Park while laying on my best friend. She is quite comfortable... ok that sounds weird but I hope you know what I mean... not in a naughty way though

x me

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