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Hii again
I know last chapter wasn't the best bla bla but I have things planned mwahahaha and I wanted them to happen later in this story sooo yup

It's been a month now since Harry started to send me texts and leave notes in my flat and it scares the shit out of me.

Brad and I kept living our lives and we had one date. After that we barely had any contact. It was horrible

Perrie and the girls are on tour and I'm left alone. Nobody to comfort me. Nobody to tell me everyhing will be alright. Nobody to protect me from Harry. Nobody. I have nobody. Nobody to help me eating. Nobody to stop me from cutting. Just nobody

In the time where I had Brad I actually felt good and I did eat and never even thought about cutting. But now... he ignores me and it kills me

I walk downstairs to drink a glass of water when I find another note on the fridge


x H

wait. does he mean... he's coming tomorrow? oh gosh I can't go through that. I need to go away. I have to go away.

I think I'll just go to my aunt. My aunt has a farm. A really big one. I know I know you'll probably think 'why doesn't she just call the police?' but I don't want the boys to get into trouble. I know it's stupid but that's just how I think

I quickly pack my things. Of course just the important ones. I grab my phone and my keys. I lay my phone on the kitchen table and leave my flat. I don't want Harry to find me.

I'll drive to the airport but I stop infront of an all to familiar house. I look at my watch.


I hope he is awake. I step out of my car and walk to the door knocking three times. I wait and wait. When I was about to leave I hear a voice speak up


"Hi Brad" I turn around to face him

"what are you doing here?" he asks confused looking at his watch "at half past one in the morning?"

"I wanted to say goodbye" I take a step forwards and he opens the door for me to walk in but I shake my head

"what do you mean 'say goodbye'?" he asks coming closer

"I-I'm going away Brad" I say facing the floor

"what? why? where?" He comes closer holding me by my arms

"Brad you ignored me for a month now, Harry kept writing me and absolutely nobody cared about me" I raise my voice a little "why did you ignore me?" I whisper

"I-Because... I don't lo-" he started but I cut him off

"oh I get it. don't worry I'll leave and you never have to think about me ever again" I feel a tear running down my face "and don't try and text me... I left my phone in my flat"

"Anabell-" He walked after me

"No Brad just leave it" I say walking to my car wiping my tears away. I quickly drive away and to the airport. I look back at Brad and he says something but I can't hear it. I could swear it was 'But I love you' but that couldn't be

I buy a ticket to fly from England to Italy in 30 minutes. I thank the woman and walk to sit in the waiting area.

after 15 minutes my flight is called and I walk to the gate and into the plane. I sit down in my seat and fasten my seatbelt.

When the plane takes off I look out the window and I think I saw Brad standing at the window looking straight at me but I guess that's just my mind playing games with me. I let a tear fall out of my eye and close my eyes to sleep.


The plane landed and I got my luggage quickly and grab a cab and tell the driver the adress and he starts to drive off.

After a good 30 minutes ride he stopped infront of my aunts farm. I quickly pay and thank him.

As I walk up to the door I can hear my aunts dog bark. It's name is Milo. Milo and me were best friends back when my aunt lived in England.

Before I can even knock on the door it swings open and Milo runs up to me and the next thing I now is me lying on the floor and Milo sitting on my chest licking my face.

I laugh but pick him up and away from my face. After I stand up to be embraced in a hug. "Anabell what are you doing here?" My aunt says happlily

"Nice to see you too" I laugh and she looks at me smiling

"I'm sorry. Nice to see you, love" she hugs me again. We walk in the house and sit down on her couch "so what brings you to italy?" she says handing me a coke

"I thought I could stay here for a while... of course just if it's okay with you. If not I can go and find a ho-" my aunt cuts me of

"Of course you can stay here." she laughs "but what got you to that?" she sips on her own coke

"things at home were... difficult and I just needed to get away from there. And I always loved your farm so I thought I could just come here." I smile at her

"For how long are you planning to stay? not that I want you to go again I'm just curious"

"I think a year" I shrug "If it's okay with you"

"Of course it's okay with me. And I think Milo likes the idea as well. He wasn't that excited for a long time" she laughs and Milo barks. "I'll show you your room and you can unpack while I prepair dinner okay?" she asks standing up

"that'd be nice. Thanks aunty" I stand up too and hug her

"so here's your room. The bathroom is the door on the left of your closet. Make yourself at home" she smiles closing the door leaving me to unpack

This is going to be so good.


I called Perrie and the girls and told them that I'm okay and save so they don't have to worry. They said that it would be a good idea but I told them that we couldn't speak a lot. They understood.

This evening I'm eating. It's a bit difficult for me but after a little struggle I brought myslef to shove the potatoes in my mouth.

The next day I wake up... smiling. Not sad. Happy.

I walk downstairs and in the kitchen to find my aunt making breakfast. Scrumbled egg with bacon and sausages. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and say good morning.

"I'll go and buy a new phone today" I tell her putting the sausages on the plates

"yeah it's okay. do you need money?" she asks putting the egg and bacon on the plates

I laugh a little "No thank you I have my own money" as we sit down and eat our breakfast we're just talking about random stuff

An hour later I walk to the store and buy a new Iphone and then just go a little shopping.

As I was walking into the supermarket to get some milk I bump into something. I look up "sorry haven't seen you there"

"no problem. what's your name I've never seen you here." he says smiling at me. I have to admit he is attractive. He has dark hair and blue eyes.

"It's Anabell and yeah I am new here. I live at my aunts farm" I smile

"Oh you must mean Katy right?" he looks at me

"yeah. you know her?" I ask curious

"I work for her" he smiles again "seems like we will see eachother a lot now" he whispers in my ear, winks and then leaves.

Wow he is hot. It will definitely be a nice year.

This chapter is quite long but I think I will do a time skip again so I can just keep writing drama and there will be a lot mwahah. ok. Thx for reading

x me

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