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Hiya people
I love wattpad I have contact to some new people and they are really lovely. My mum bought me one of this unicorn jumpers today and it will be here at tuesday and I can't wait. If I could I would just make a time skip to tuesday and wait for it to come. It's pink. I love pink. piiiiiiink. pink pink pink okay I am ready

I wake up because Brad moves what makes me fall out of the bed. Well thank you Brad. I lay there for a while

"why are you on the floor?" Brads muffled voice says

"I don't know. Just thought it'd be cool to lay on an uncomfortable floor and look if there are monsters under the bed" I roll my eyes

"Oh cool" he says and I just groan while standing up and throwing myself on Brad "Oh and this is more comfortable?"

"Yupp" I nod while getting tired again. I fall asleep


I wake up again and see Brad is awake. "Morning beautifull" he says smiling at me

"Were you awake the whole time?" I ask shocked

"most of it" he nods while stroking my cheek with his thumb

"You could've just pushed me off of you" I say laughing

"Nooo I think it was cute... you sleeping on top of me" he smirks "I can get used to it"

"well don't" I say climbing off him and he whines

"No come back" he whines more and I just laugh at him

"such a baby" I say pushing some of my hair back

"You want war?" He says galring playfully at me

"All the time" I say walking into the bathroom locking the door before he can reach it

I hear him knock on the door "Anabell that's not fair" he pouts "Anabell. Anabell. Anabell" (got it bf?)

"Anabell isn't home right now. You can leave a message after the beep. BEEEEP" I say and then quickly strip my clothes and hop in the shower just to hear him

"ha ha funny" and then he leaves

I turn on the water and let it realx my muscles. After a little while I put my apple shampoo in my hair and wash it out

Then I wash my body with some chocolate shower gel (I really have this) and after that I step out of the shower

I wrap myslef in a fluffy white towel and dry my body (my crush is calling me rn. I don't have time boy!!!) after I brush through my long brown hair I let it fall in their naturall waves and brush my teeth

As I walk out of the bed room I can smell bacon and eggs. I am in heaven. I quickly run down the stairs missing the last two steps falling. I probably look like superman flying but then falling to the floor. Hard.

I stand up hoping nobody saw this. Luck is with me (no sarcasm) I make my way into the kitchen to see Connor making breakfest for what seems like a football team

"morning Con" I say hugging him

"morning sunshine. Slept well?" he smiles at me and I nod

"till Brad pushed me out of the bed" I say and he laughs "why are you making so much food?" I say pointing at the scrambled egg

"oh some friends are coming around. They are a band too. Well Brad and their singer don't get along really well" he shrugs "I hope they will behave"

"I can look after Brad if you want" I say shrugging

"Yeah that'd be nice" he smiles turning his attention back to the pan

"who is the band coming?" I ask thinking it could be someone cool like fith harmony... wait I think the visitors will be male

Maybe the beatles... No that's not possible. I mentally face palm myself "Oh I don't think you know them. They are from australia" he says and I think hard but can't think of any band I know

"Well where is Brad?" I ask

"In my bedroom" he says and I look at him confused "He wanted to 'wake me up' but then just laid in my bed and fell asleep" he laughed

"I have a plan" I smirk my evil smirk and Connor instantly smiles his evil smile

We walk upstairs quietly not wanting to wake them up right now. Con and I are the only ones awake. But this will change now

"I will go to Brad and you to James. And then when they wake up we run into Tris bedroom and wake him up and then just try to stay alive" I whisper to Connor and he nods

I stand infront of Connors bedroom with Brad in it while he stands infront of James bedroom and counts to 3 with his fingers

When he reaches 3 we both open the doors quietly and then I walk till I stand next to Brad and spill half of the bucket with water over Brad

While he 'wakes up' I quickly run out of the room and into Tris bedroom. I hear Brad shouting and then James screaming

Con runs into Tris room who is still sleeping. Wow. We both walk to his bed and he mouthes "1... 2... 3" to me and we both spill our buckets over Tris and throw them to the floor while running out of his room just to see an angry James and Brad walking our way

We quickly run downstairs and hide in the kitchen. I hide under the kitchen table but Connor runs away as he hears them coming down

"Anabell! Connor! You're so gonna get that back!" Brad shouts angry and I have to bite my fist so I wont start laughing

I hear them coming closer and I see their feed. They stand infront of the table. I hold my breath hoping they wouldn't find me but then James and Tristan grab under the table and pull me up and into Brads arms

He smirks at me "Missed me?" he asks

"no but the water did so I thought I could let you two get back together" I smirk and run away out of the back door and into the garden

The boys following me as I run faster. I nearly fall but somebody catches me. I look up to see Brad smiling down at me

Before I can say anything Brad picks me up bridal style and in the next moment I find myself in the pool

I come back up and climb out of the pool. All the boys are laughing at me but then I see Connor flying into the pool aswell and we laugh

Brad and I walk back inside the house. "Anabell I need to tell you something" he says seriously and I look at him and nod "About the guests we get today" I look at him confused "Well you kn-" he is cut off by the doorbell ringing

I walk to open the door "Anabell wait" Brad says but I already opened the door. I see 3 boys. Oh no wait there is another one but I know this one

"Anabell hi" he says smiling and then hugging me

"Luke?" I ask in disbelief

Loooooooooool If you didn't get it the other band is 5sos duh. Well I hope you liked this chapter bla bla but today I will say something I haven't said yet


jk just if you want haha

x me

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