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No a/n today

I am in the house of the boys with them watching some tv. I didn't tell them about the message from Harry

I feel really save and they nearly forced me to eat some pizza. Not the best but better than nothing

Right now I am cuddled up in a blanket on the sofa between Brad and Connor. We are watching some weird movie

They said I will stay with them for a few weeks but I don't want to bother them

I feel a hand on my shoulder and follow it till I see Brad smirking at me. "I think we should watch a horror movie" he says smirking even more.

I glare at him "no I don't like them" I pout

"well then the boys have to decide" he turns to face them and gives them a look I guess should tell them 'you better want to watch that movie or I'll kill you'

"I think it's a good idea" Tris says

"yeah me too" James says smirking at me

"and I don't care" Connor laughs and I sigh

"then put it in" I say rolling my eyes at Brad. He puts it in really fast and sits down next to me

"If you get scared you are allowed to cuddle with me" he smirks

"if you wanted to cuddle you could've just said it and not watch this movie with me"I laugh turning to him

"where is the fun in that?" he whispers in my ear. He is so gonna loose this game

Everytime something scary happens I cuddle up in a chest. But it's not Brads. It's Connors.

I can feel Brad starring at my face nearly burning a hole in my head. I just snuggle more into Connor and he puts am arm around me

Brad coughs and I turn to face him "you okay Brad?" I ask innocently and he glares at me

"yeah just tired. Are we going upstairs?" he asks forcing a yawn

"naah I'm gonna stay here a little more with Connor" I smirk at Brad

Connor looks down at me and smiles. Brad stands up walks over to me and picks me up bridal style running away

"haha come and get her Con" he laughs nearly dropping me and I laugh

Connor stands up and runs after us. Brad runs faster but then from the left side Tris comes and grabs me running away holding me in his arms

"I have her" he shouts and runs. I laugh so hard. jeez I love these boys

Now James, Connor and Brad are running after us and Connor and James reach us first so they take me from Tris running upstairs with me still on their arms and into a room

Connor throws me on the bed and Tris and James run out again and Connor locks the door

I give him a confused look "this is gonna be fun you will see" he smiles and I give him a smile back

I hear someone storm up the stairs and running around probably looking in every room till he gets to the room where I actually am

He tries to open it but Connor locked it. Connor and I look at each other and we have to hold our laughs so Brad wont hear us

"Oh come on I want her back Connor" he whines. Connor bursts out laughing

"Yeah okay Connor let me out" I say but he shakes his head "why not?" I pout

"It's a game" he shrugs with a smirk

"No let me out Con please" I say not laughing

"yeah let her out Con please" A muffled Brad voice says from outside the door. Connor walks to the door and unlocks it. Brad must've leant against it because he is falling inside

I laugh at him but he stands up quickly. Brad and I walk to his room and I fall asleep instantly

Hi guys. I am sorry it's short and crap but I am really tired

x me

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