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Hiiiiii it's me again... who else would be here? Ignore me

I wake up to the smell of bacon but I'm not hungry so I turn around and try to fall asleep again.

But of course in that moment the door opens. I try to ignore the 5 boys standing around my bed and actually really fall asleep again.

And I don't know why but I knew that they wont just let me sleep so Louis starts to jump on my bed and shouts that I should wake up

"go away jerks" I mumble into my pillow

"nope" Liam says popping the p

"then just shut up and I'll sleep" I sigh turning away from them. I guess Louis has different plans when he throws himself on the bed and I fall out of it to lay on the floor but I don't care and try to fall asleep again

"are you really trying to fall sleep again... on the floor?" Niall asks laughing

"Looks like I'm not allowed in my bed" I shrug pointing to my bed without looking but then somethings comes up in my mind "wich date is today?" I ask raising my head

"ehm I think the 23rd of June why?" Harry says looking at me

"just wondering" I shrug but shit tomorrow it's the day and I don't think I am ready for it

The day went on really fast and mostly was me asking the boys to let me go and them saying 'no' and things like 'shut up'

At 10 pm they say I have to go to bed but guess who is a bad girl and wont do it? Right THIS OOOOOONE

10 pm

"Anabell go to bed" Harry says not looking away from the tv

"no thanks" I say

"Anabell. go. to. bed." at least he looks at me now






"why do you have to be so stubborn?" Niall sighs

"I'm sorry that I am definitaly not gonna listen to my kidnappers" I say rolling my eyes at them

"hey" Zayn snaps "never do that again" he says sternly

"do what again?" I ask innocently

"rolling your eyes at us" He says looking me in the eyes

I salute to him and then roll my eyes again just to make them angry

"that's enough" Harry stands up "I'll take you to your room" He grabs my arm harshly

Before he closes the door I hear Louis shout "good night Anabell" I still hate them

I wake up to someone shaking me "Anabell wake up. breakfest is ready" it's Harry

"Not hungry" I mumble not wanting to do anything today.

"why?" he asks sitting next to me

"None of your fuckin business" I snap

"Calm down I was just asking" He puts his hands in the air in defense

"Then don't ask and leave" I turn away from him. This day is bad enough I don't need it to get worse

"what happened?" He asks calm

"what happened?! You happened! You and your little friends kidnapped me and wont let me go and I can't even go to the graveyard today because of your little joke of kidnapping me so don't fucking ask what happened!" I shout at his face and the next moment I feel a sharp pain on my cheek

Why me? H.S/B.W.SWhere stories live. Discover now