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Hey guuuuuuys. I'll tell a little about my day so if you don't care just scroll down to the story. SOO my day was soooo good. My class (and me of course) made a trip to another city and it was so good. I had so much fun with my friends and me and my crush were holding hands. Well we are in love but not in a relation ship. My teacher looked at us all the time (really embarrassing😅). When we had free time all the girls of my class run to Primark and it was so funny. I bought black jeans and some lip gloss with lip liner and omg they are so good. It was really nice because I also was closer to people in my class I don't have soooo much contact with. We ate so much. All of us brought crisps, chocolate, Gummi bears and all of that.
Well but here the story

3 days later

Brad and I haven't talked the whole time but I wont go to him. I haven't done anything wrong so he is the one that should say sorry.

I am allowed to leave the hospital today and I am really happy about that. I don't know how to get home but they said somebody needs to pick me up because I am really weak bla bla

Well I wont text Brad to pick me up and the girls are on tour again but who could pick me up? I know

I quickly text Luke to pick me up. He replied fast saying he is on the way. I wait for him to arrive and we quickly pack my stuff together

He helps me to walk down to the garage and I climb into his car. The ride home is nice. We talk and laugh a lot

"Why isn't Brad picking you up?" ugh he just had to ask that

"He has practise" I lie looking out of the window

the rest of the ride was silent. Well it was only another minute till he pulls the car up and I thank him and then walk up the little path to the house of the boys

I pull out my key and open the door "Hello? Someone at home?" I shout

No answer. Well I guess I am alone then. I sit down on the couch and go on my phone. I see some people tagged me under a picture

I click on it. It's a picture Brad posted just a few minutes ago. It's a picture of him... and a girl. Both smiling in the camera. The text under the picture says 'Thx for the lovely day. I needed this. Ly♡ Brad'

Wow. And I am the one cheating?

I throw my phone to the side. I am not a jealous girlfriend. And I don't think he would actually cheat. He probably just wants to make me jealous

but what he can do, I can do better. I search a picture from Luke and me when I was in the hospital and quickly put it on instagram with the caption 'Thank you for taking me home. So nice to have you back in my life♡'

Oh he will be jealous. I smirk to myself


I fall asleep but only a few minutes later I hear the door falling close. I don't care and just keep sleeping till

"Anabell! Where are you?!" Brad shouts and I groan "Anabell?!"

"What?" I say opening my eyes just to see Brad storming over to me with a VERY angry look on his face

I quickly jump off the couch and walk behind it so it's between Brad and me. "Do you want to explain that to me? Huh?" Brad says angry holding his phone up for me to look. It's the pic of Luke and me

I just shrug "Just posted a picture and?" he just looks angrier and I think he is close to explode

"You have a boyfriend and post a picture of you with another boy?" He comes closer but I take another step away

"You have a girlfriend and posted a picture of you with another girl so" I shrug and he is so angry right now I am a little afraid of him

I take a step back and from one moment to another his mood changes from angry (extremly angry) to soft and he looks like he would be sorry

"Anabell are you scared of me right now?" he asks hurt and I nod "I am so so sorry. For all of that. I didn't mean to hurt or scare you. Just please don't be scared or mad" he pleads

"It's okay Brad. I am sorry too" I say and he comes over to me and we hug really tightly. He pulls away and kiss me with passion

He picks me up bridal style and takes me upstairs trowing me on my bed "you should sleep now" he says sitting next to me

It's just then that I realize how tired I am. "Yeah I should but please stay with me" I say closing my eyes

He lays down next to me and strokes my hair carefully and a few moments later sleep takes over

I am sorry this chapter is short but I am tired so I will just go to sleep now. Thank you again for reading ly♡

x me

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