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Hiya guys
I don't wanna talk to much but I wanted to tell you that in this story Zayn's still in the band soooo here we go with the storyyyyyyy

I wake up to voices who I guess stand around me.

"Don't worry mate she will be ok" I hear the first voice which I remember is Liams.

"I just know that this all would've never happened if I didn't cheat on her. I am the worst boyfriend ever" I recognize Harrys voice

now I remember last night. I found out Harry cheated on me, He snapped at me, I run of & I got raped... I feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Hey look I think she's awake" I hear Nialls irish accent

I open my eyes and see the 5 boys that are my best friends an my boyfriend... well ex-boyfriend I guess.

"Hey babe how are you feelin'?" Harry asks caressing my cheek but I slap his hand away. He looks at me shocked

"Don't you dare touch me or call me 'babe' you fuckin cheated on me! Do you know how much that hurts? Huh?" I shout at him

All the boys are looking between me and Harry "listen Anabell I want to explain it to you" he sighs

"I don't want to hear it. just leave Harry" I say calmer and point to the door. My scars are clearly visible now

"What is that?" he asked coming closer

"I-uh-n-nothing" I stutter pulling my sleeve about my wrist again

"Did you cut?" Harry whispers and I think he is angry

"no" I whisper back looking down

"show me." he says blank

"w-what? no" I say looking at him

he takes a few steps more till he is right next to me and grabs my arm harshly. I whimper at the touch but he didn't seem to care

"Harry let go of me" I cry

He pulls my sleeve back and looks between them and my face in disbelief "Why did you do that?" he shouts at me but is beeing pulled away by Liam and Zayn

"Harry calm down" Zayn says with sadness in his voice

"Why did you do that?" he asks again but this time calmer never breaking eyecontact with me

"you're kidding right?" I ask raising my voice a little "you are the reason I did this. I loved you ok? and then I walk into starbucks and see you kissing a girl. It was in public you didn't even cared if I found out! you treat me like shit for a month and then I see this. I couldn't handle that." I shout at him

"I-I am really so-" he trys to say but I cut him off

"save it. Since when did you cheat on me?" I ask a little afraid of the answer

he was silent for a minute looking down to the floor "a month" he says looking up at me again

A tear rolls down my face but I manage to find my voice "leave" I say coldly

"what? no I want to expl-" I cut him off again

"I said leave" I said wiping a tear away

Zayn shoves him out of the door. "I'm sorry Ana" Zayn says giving me sorry eyes

"I was so affraid that we wouldn't find you! what happened?" Louis shouts running towards me and giving me a bone crashing hug. gosh I love these boys

"I missed you too Lou" I say laughing lightly

"what happened on the beach?" Niall asks giving me a hug too. I gave all of the boys a hug

"I..I..uhm I got raped" I whisper the raped still scared of that dude with dirty blonde hair

"you what?!" they all shouted starring at me with their eyes wide. I just looked away from them. My fingers seem really interesting right now

after a few seconds of silence Liam speaks up again "hey it's ok" Just then I realized that I am crying

-------- a few days later ------

The boys came by every day. Of course Harry tryed aswell but I didn't want to see him. But I guess now I can't ignore him as I was walking home from the hospital.

I open the door and walk in to find myself in a hug. But I didn't hug back and just stood there. "I missed you" Harry whispers in my ear

"oh yea? why didn't you just went to your bimbo?" I asked annoyed

"Listen-" he started

"No Harry there is nothing to talk about. You cheated on me for a month now. Why didn't you just break up with me? that would've hurt less" I got quieter at the end

"Because I love you" he takes a step to me

"obvious" I roll my eyes with sarcasm dropping of my tounge

"I don't know what got me to that but I am really sorry please give me a chance Anabell" he pleads going down on his knees holding my hand. I can see tears in his eyes "I'll call her and tell her it's over and block her number and you can hear all of that"

"ok" I say

"please just give it a tr- wait did you just said ok?" he asked looking at me

"yeah" I smile at him. He stand up and hugs me really tight he cups my cheeks and kiss me. I missed that feeling and I think he did too because he smiled in the kiss.

he pulled back looking at me "Babe promise me one thing" he paused "that you will always be mine"

"I promise if you promise me that you will never cheat again" I say looking in his green eyes

"I promise" he smiles and kisses me again

I guess we both knew that these were lies...

Dam dam daaam
This is part 3 hehe I know exactly what will happen in the next chapter but you not... so keep reading and you will know too ;)

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