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No A/N for you today!

Did he just... kissed me? I mean first he kissed me in the park, we go on a date then he ignores me and now BOOOOOM he just kissed me like... What?

I just stare at him and he smiles but then speaks up "we need to talk"

I just nod not trusting my voice right now. "later" I crack out and he nods taking my hand in his interlacing our fingers

We walk a few steps but someone asks me to do an interview so I let go of Brad and walk over to them. We talk for a few moments and in the corner of my eye I can see Brad drinking a beer.

After another minute he walks over takes my hands and asks "Anabell I know I messed a lot of things up but will you please be my girlfriend?" he looks me in the eyes

I was shocked. like... Really shocked. And I don't know how to respronse. My heart tells me to be with him, enjoy the time with him and just trust him.

But my head keeps saying 'no he will hurt you again' and 'do you really want to risk getting hurt again?'

And that's the question right now... do I really want to risk getting hurt again.

I know my answer. I look at him. He looks down and I put my fingers under his chin and lift it up so he looks at me and say "yes I will be your girlfriend" I smile

His eyes go wide and if he would smile a little more his face will probably tear in two pieces. I laugh a little at his reaction but he smashes his lips on mine again

When we pull away I see something I really don't want to see. I see something I was afraid for over a year now. Harry. He is starring at me and not in a happy way. And behind him the other four boys. All starring at me

I quickly look away and back to Brad who is grabbing my hand when some people start to clap at us and I blush

"but we still need to talk Brad" I whisper in his ear and he nods

We walk in the main room where the stage is and Brad leads me to the table where he and the boys will sit. I haven't seen them for so long

When we arrive at the table Brad speaks up "Look who I've found" and they all look up first at him and then at me. They jump up from their seats and gave me a bone crashing hug

"why didn't you called us?" Conner slaps my arm playfully

I pretend to be hurt and shrug. The show starts soon and there will be this big suprise for Perrie and the girls.

After a few people singing a men comes up to me "you ready for the suprise?" I nod

"and they still don't know right?" I ask and this time he nods "good" I wave to the boys and walk with the man backstage

Little Mix starts to sing 'shout out to my ex' and when they are in the middle of the song I step out on the stage

The crowd goes wild and soon they turn around. Perrie was singing but when she sees me she starts to cry and the others too.

They are my best friends that's for sure. The music is still playing so I grab Perries mic and start to sing the Lyrics while she and the others hugs me

Soon we're all singing together

Shout out to my ex, you're really quite the man
You made my heart break and that made me who I am
Here's to my ex, hey, look at me now
(Won't you just look at me now)
Well, I, I'm all the way up
I swear you'll never, you'll never bring me down
You'll never bring me down

Never bring me down...

After we finnished we all hugged and It feels so good to have them back. We walk backstage and Perrie screams again and gives me the tightest hug I ever had

"Perrie. Can't breath" and she lets go

"I'm just so happy to have you back Ana" she smiles hugging me again

"Hey we missed her too" Jade says pouting with the others. They came over and we have a group hug again

"I should probably go back to Brad" I say and they wink at me.

"We can talk at the afterparty and then you will tell us everything okay?" Leigh-Anne smiles and I nod waving goodbye as I walk back

I walk back to the table of the boys and grab a glass of campagne on my way and take a big gulp

I look around and see Harry smirking at me. I'm scared like shit. I start walking again and take another big gulp of the alcohol in my hand

I sit down next to Brad and he takes my hand instantly. A little while after a waitress comes and asks what we want to drink. I order a vodka

When she comes back and hands us our drinks I instantly take a big gulp of my vodka feeling the burning sensation running down my throat

It just makes me so nervous to know that Harry is in the same room as me. I take another sip at this thought


We are at the afterparty now and I had a few drinks and I think I'm a little drunk

shit. I need to pee. "Brad? I'll go to the restroom" he is not as drunk as me

"yeah but hurry. I want my girlfriend back" He winks and I giggle. I don't even know why I giggle. Probably the alcohol

I make my way to the restroom. It's not that easy when you're drunk. I quickly do my buisness and wash my hands

I walk out of the toilets looking at my phone when I bump into someone

"sorry I haven't seen you there" I say looking up to reveal a smirking Harry. I start to run but I'm stopped by someone wrapping their arm around my neck and the other around my mouth whith a cloth. I know what this is and I'm not stupid so I hold my breath.

"breath" he growls in my ear and fasten his grip around my neck. "your little boyfriend will miss you" he smirks and then all I see is darkness.

Dam dam daaaam
It's so exciting to write this story haha. I already said it but again: in my story Zayn is still in the band. That's actually all I have to say right now so thank you for reading my storyyyyyyy

x me

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