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What's up lovely people?
I'm really excited bc my best friend is reading my story and it's such a good feeling. She means so much to me. ly babe♡
but now the story

I was shocked.
This can't happen.
Am I dreaming?

What does he even mean? I'm so confused but it's scary. Harry was never like this. Ok he cheated and snapped at me but he would never hurt me or something like this. Right?

I wake Brad up "Brad please wake up" my voice shaking

"what's up princess?" I blush lightly but push it away

"he-he texted me Brad. Harry texted me" I stutter

"wait what?" he is awake now that's for sure

"he said he would find and get me or something" I feel a tear rolling down my cheek but wipe it away quickly

"show me" I unlock my phone and show him the text "hey it's gonna be ok. Probably just a joke or not even from him. Or he just want to scare you" he's right

"well I am scared" I laugh a bit

"just leave it and if there will be more like that just show me ok?" he takes my hand and I nod "do you want to go to bed now? sleep will be good for you" I nod again and we walk upstairs into my bedroom

"do you want anything to sleep in? I have a t-shirt that is too big for me but it could fit you" I shrug

"yeah that'd be nice" he smiles and I walk to my closet and grab the shirt I was looking for. It was a Linkin Park t-shirt. I got it on a concert but they didn't have my sice so I took that one. I turn around and throw it at him. He doesn't see it coming and it lands right in his face.

I look at him and burst out laughing. "you look gorgeous" I laugh louder and point at him but then I'm picked up and thrown over a shoulder. "let me down Brad" I squirm and playfully hit his back

"you laughed at me and now it's my turn" he says laughing and running down the stairs and out of my flat and to the roof but before I could say anything he throws me in the swimming pool

I laugh and try to get out of the pool but Brad jumps in right next to me. When he comes up again he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I wrap my legs around him. "jerk" I mutter smiling

"You started the war" he smirks

"And I will win" I glare at him playfully and he starts to kiss me. We must look so weird: in the middle of the night (hehe got it?), in the swimming pool with clothes and kissing.

he starts to walk around in the pool. He can stand but I'm too smal. I'm just 5,4 feet tall.

We walk back to my flat trying to be silent because we don't want to wake the neighbors but when we walk into my flat and Brad closes the door we burst out laughing.

I gave him a towel and the t-shirt and let him change in my room while I walk in my bathroom with some pajama bottoms and a simple t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun.

"well that was fun" Brad says smiling widely.

"yeah it was" Brad smiles brighter if that's even possible "do you want to watch a movie?" I ask

"yeah what do you have?" he says lying in my bed

"you can choose and I will grab something to drink and some sweets" I say hoping he wouldn't choose a horror film. I hate them. I get scared so fast

"ok" he says grabbing the remote and switching on Netflix. I walk downstairs and take two glasses out of the cupboard and fill them with coke. I was walking to the fridge when I notice a note on it.

you enjoyed the little pool make out didn't you? I hate him. He can kiss you and I don't. But I'm excited to have you again. I'll see you.

x H

How does he know? I start to panick "everything ok?" Brad shouts from upstairs. I nod but face palm myself because he can't see me.

"y-yeah I'm coming" I put the note in my pocket grab some popcorn and chocolate and run upstairs. "what did you pick" I ask

"the ring" he smirks and I frown. Exactly what I need right now. Note the sarcasm

"you hate me right?" He knows I hate horror movies and that's why he picked one

"no I don't" he says patting the place next to him. I climb under the covers and the movie starts.

Everytime there is scary thing I hide my face in his chest. He seems to enjoy that. bastard. he plays with my hair and I feel myself getting tired and a few seconds later I'm sleeping.


I wake up and see that Brad is sleeping with little snores coming out of his mouth. I smile to myslef and look at my phone

4:53 am

that's early.
But I see that I have 2 messages. I open the first one

Perrie♡: hey cutie how are you? x

me: good I guess. how about you? x

I didn't expect her to answer but she did instantly

Perrie♡: good. I heard about the Brad thing ;) you two a couple? x

me: no but he asked me out and is sleeping next to me right now. x

Perrie♡: I hope he treats you better than Harry. x

me: ugh don't mention his name but yeah Brad is really nice to me. x

She didn't replys and I guess she fell asleep. I open the next massage

unknown number: he's watching a horror film with you? I know you hate them so I wouldn't let you watch one. You got my note on the fridge right? You should've seen your face. Just a few days then I will have you in my arms again.

x H

I quickly put my phone away and lay down next to Brad and he wraps an arm around my waist and I smile a little as he pulls me closer to his chest. I think about Brad and Harry and his weird massages but then just fall asleep again.

Ufffff I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thx so much for reading

x me

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