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I am sure this chapter will be a little short but who cares? Well for the people that are actually interested: my day was as bad as yesterday. Buuut here the story

Brady Boy♡: Anabell where are you? x

I need to change his contact name

Brad Simpson: Anabell
Brad Simpson: I am worried. Pls answer me
Brad Simpson: Why aren't you texting me?
Brad Simpson: Anabell pls
Brad Simpson: I love you pls answer

Ok. that's enough

me: stop it.

Brad Simpson: thank god you're alive. Why are you away? xx

me: ask the girl you kissed last night

Brad Simpson: You saw us?
Brad Simpson: Anabell
Brad Simpson: Anibelli
Brad Simpson: got it?
Brad Simpson: I changed the last 'a's into 'i's hahahah
Brad Simpson: Okay back to serious
Brad Simpson: Anabell if you don't andwer I will find you!!

me: andwer

Brad Simpson: hush. Anabell I love you

me: shut up. you don't. I don't want you to text me

Brad Simpson writes...

You blocked Brad Simpson

~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~

I'm a mess. I lay in bed the whole day. I stopped eating again. I started cutting again. And I don't get why all this things have to happen to me

The boys tried to text me but I ignore them. I don't want them... no him in my life. But he texted me over the others phones so I ignore it

I hear a knock on the door of my new flat. Yes I have a flat. It was really fast but I just needed to get out of this house

I groan and decide to just ignore the person but the person keeps on knocking so I stand up and walk to the door. I open it

...Well there is nobody. I look around till I see a envelope on the floor. I quickly pick it up and walk back into my flat. I sit down in the kitchen and open it with a knive

It's a letter and I unfold it so I can read it. It's a handwriting I know but I can't put a face on it

I start to read the letter and it's short. Well it's just one sentence

"Come to the park at 8 we need to talk"

That's all?


Well I won't go there. The last time I did it went horrible wrong. I walk back upstairs to cuddle with my bed. It feels horrible when I am not with it. We have kind of a relationship

Okay. I think I should leave the house again. I will die in here if I don't move on. I mean yes it's hard to get cheat on from the boy you love but I need to move on

I jump into the shower and quickly wash my hair and body. After blow drying my hair and putting on clothes I grab my keys and phone and go out of my flat

I don't know where I am walking but I think it's good for me to get fresh air. After a few minutes I find myself in the park

Shit. Well maybe it's early and I can go home before the person who wrote the letter comes. I look at my phone

7:58 pm

I can still try to leave. But I think I will just stay. What ever happens tonight can't be worse than the last few weeks

I sit down on a bench and wait for the person to come. I mean the person knows who I am but I don't know who he/she is so the person just needs to find me

After what feels like 3 years but is just a minute I feel somebody sit down next to me. I turn my head and look at the person

It's a men. He wears sunglasses and a hoodie. He looks at me and that's when I realize that it's Harry

I stand up slowly but he speaks up "Anabell stay. Please" his voice is pleading and I sit down on the bench again

"nice outfit" I say looking at the tree opposite of the bench we are sitting on

"Ugh I wanted to talk to you without any fans or paps surrounding us" He says laughing lightly. It makes me smile. WAIT WHAT? no stop Anabell

"what do you want to talk about? But if this is just one of your tricks to kidnap me then just stop it and I will go back home" I say sternly and I see that he turns his head to look at me in the corner of my eye

"No no it's not a trick. I wanted to say sorry. When I saw you yesterday all sad when you were cutting again I decided that I don't have to make your life any worse" he says still looking at me and a shiver runs down my spine when he says that he saw me

"thank you? I guess" I say unsure and he grabs my face gently making me look at him

"you lost weight again" he starts "what happened?" he asks still holding my face in his warm hands. It's nearly winter so it's pretty cold outside and now when it's already dark outside even more

"oh uh nothing" I lie not looking in his eyes

"Anabell. Please tell me. I want to be friends again and maybe more" he whispers the last part and I smile a little

There are times I miss him "I'd like to be friends too but I can't promise anything about the 'and maybe more' part" I say and he smiles at me

"I missed you" he says stroking my cheek with his fingers and I smile

We sit on the bench for a while longer till it gets really cold and I start to shiver. He sees it "do you want me to take you home?" He asks and I nod

We stand up but before we start to walk he takes off his hoodie and helps me to get in it. It smells like him. I like that

We walk in the direction of my flat and talk about random things. A few minutes before we reach my flat he grabs my hand and we walk like this till we are at my flat

"Do you want to come in? I can make some coffee if you want" I say smiling but he shakes his head

"No it's okay. I don't want you to think that I hurry you into things" He smiles and I nod. We hug and he gives me a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for forgiving me" he whispers in my ear

"It was nice to see you again Harry" I say and he smiles at me then leaves. Before he is out of sight he waves at me and I wave back

I walk back inside my flat and close the door.

What. did. just. happen.

Whoops isn't as short as I thought haha

x me

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