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Hi guys
I am sorry it took me years and I am so so so so so sorry but I am back so yeay (Plz read A/N in the end)

He looks me right in the eyes. "Well ehm... I... uhm..." He goes silent

"Harry. Tell me" I say hoping just once in my life someone could just tell me what I want them to

He just looks at me not saying a word. "Harry just tell me" I say sternly

"I can't" he says and leaves. He just leaves? wtf

I am sitting on the couch starring at the now closed door trying to understand what just happened. What could be so bad that he wouldn't tell me?

Well I wont be the one calling him and pleading for him to come back. He will come back by himself


It has been 1 month since Harry left. He never called or texted me. I don't get him. Well I texted Brad asking what Harry meant but he was just like 'I can't tell you'

and when I (obviously) asked why, he just said 'because I don't want to hurt you anymore'

Well that didn't help me at all and I just grew curious. But I gave up and lived my life.

So right now I am standing infront of my fridge trying to find something to eat. But the only thing that keeps my fridge from being empty is a bottle of water and some soap

Don't ask why I have soap in my fridge. I don't even know myself.

I grab some money and my phone and start to walk out of my flat. After locking my door I decide to walk because the weather is nice

I walk around the corner when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see non other than Connor running and waving at me

"Hey Anabell" He says with a very happy face while hugging me "what are you doing here?"

"Oh just wanted to get some food what about you?" I ask while pulling back from the hug

"Actually exactly the same" He says and we laugh "So do you want to go there with me?" He smiles

"Yes I'd love that" I say smiling

We laugh a lot while walking along the street. I haven't seen him since the thing with Brad. But it feels really good to have my friend back

After getting everything we need we walk back out of the store. "Do you want to come with me?" I ask

"Yes I really want to hang out with you again" He says and I smile at him

"me too. I've missed you" I say looking back at where I am going

"I've missed you too Anabell. A lot" He says and hugs me from the side while kissing my cheek

It feels kinda nice. When we're back at my front door he stops me

"Anabell I have to tell you something" he says really serious

"What's up?"

"Well I know you want to know what Harry meant. Brad told me. It is really difficult to explain but Brad kinda brought Harry to cheat on you"

"W-What do you mean?"

"He knew something Harry did and he told Harry if he didn't do something so you would break up with him, Brad would tell you what he did"

"What did Harry do?"

"He drugged you"


"When you two got closer he was afraid you would leave him. So he drugged you and made you stay"

I can't believe what I just heared. I grab my key and open the door just to see two faces I didn't see in a long time

"Hello Anabell" Harry and Brad say

I am sorry this chapter is shitty but I want to tell you that this is the last chapter and I will start a new story. It wont be a sequel but of course you can read it ;) I will call it Instagram (yeah I know: Wow really new *note the sarcasm* but it will be different from the 'instagram' storys I've read) So yeah thank you all so much for reading

x me

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