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Wow I had a really... intense day. In my shool are project days (is that english) and a guy came into my class. He was there to tell us how bad drugs and alcohol and mobbing is. We all thought it would be boring as every year but this time a man talked to us who actually took drugs. He told us so many things and I nearly started to cry when he told us why he started taking them. Really weird and most people wont even care so here we go😅

The hand still on my mouth I try to turn around and see who it is but he has his hand so tightly around my body I can't move a muscle

"Anabell?" I hear Brad whisper-shout. So it's not him. "Harry. get the f*ck away from this house" he growls

"Hah no thank you. I will get her. belive me" Harrys voice says and he isn't the one holding me

So it's Jack? Why would he text me and then just pull me in a bush?

Harry leaves with Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall. I hear Brad calling my name a few times

I guess he went in the house again because he isn't calling my name anymore and I hear a door closing

"Hey babe" I hear Cole whisper in my ear. Shit. Why him?

I would be sassy but he still has his hand over my mouth "Missed me?" he whispers and I shake my head no "well I missed you a lot. I'd like to show you how much I missed you but not here. How about we go to my place?"

I shake my head fast. I don't want them to be back in my life. Why would your brother and boyfriend let you believe they're dead?

Then I feel Cole putting his hand away from my mouth but before I can shout for Brad he puts it back over my mouth with a cloth

Oh no not this again. I mentally roll my eyes and try to hold my breath

"Come on Anabell don't make this any harder. He wont hurt you" Cole says lightly amused. bastard.

I hold my breath for a few moments till I have to take a breath. I feel myself getting tired

My life was so good for a few months. Well I guess what goes high, falls deep


I wake up in... a van?

what the...?

I look around and see Jack sitting next to me and Cole driving. "Morning sunshine" Jack speaks and I want to slap that grin out of his face

I try to talk back but am stopped by tape around my mouth. I say 'why am I here?' but it comes out like "Whm m I meh?"

"what?" Cole asks and I roll my eyes

"just drive and I will talk to her" Jack snaps at him and I think Cole says something like bla bla but I'm not sure

He takes the tape off my mouth "Let me go jerks" I say

"what an attitude" Cole says and Jack glares at him

"so Anabell we wont let you go because we need to talk" Jack says looking me in the eyes

"It's over Jack" I snap "I don't want to hear it"

"It's not over till it's all been said" (got it?😂 I just had to do that) he says

"N-" I am cut off by Jack putting the tape back on my mouth.

"then you're just going to listen" Jack winks

"You need to wait with that because there is a van following us" Cole says worriedly

Jack looks out of the window and I want to look too. I turn around to look and see my heros.

Brad, Connor, Tris and James. Jack would see a big smile on my face and I would definitely stick my tounge out at him if there wasn't the tape. I need to remember to write that on my list with things I hate

Well back to the theme. The boys are close behind us and I can see Brad with a really furious look on his face. Uhhh somebody will get some shit

Cole stops the car and stepps out leaving me and Jack alone and I look at him. "don't worry Cole wont hurt them" he says

I don't know what he means till I hear a gun shot. My eyes are wide open and I stare at Jack

I tell him to let me go to the boys but again it's muffled because of the tape. You're still on my list

I struggle really much against the ropes around my hands and legs. It starts to hurt but I don't care I just need to make sure the boys are okay

I see a nail sticking out and rub the rope against it and it actually works. In a moment Jack doesn't look I sprint out of the car

"Anabell no!" Jack shouts but I don't care. I run to the van seeing all of them in a fight

"Stop!" I shout but they don't care and keep on fighting

I see Brad throwing a punch at Coles jaw and he falls to the floor. I never knew Brad can fight

I run over to them and they give me a bone crushing hug "Thank god you're okay" Brad mumbles in my neck "they are guys from Harry right?" he looks at me

"I'll tell you later but can we please go home now?" I say hoping Jack would've just run away or something

"Yes of course love" he says leading me to their van with his hand on my lower back

I was about to step in when Brad pulls me back. The boys are already in the car. "did they hurt you?" he asks

"no I don't think they would do that" I shrug but he looks at me sternly

"and what is that on your arms?" he holds my hand looking a little hurt

"I was tied up with a rope and struggled and then the ropes cut into my skin" I say hoping we can leave

"and that's not a lie?" his eyes soften

"I promise it's the truth" I smile

We were about to step into the car when I hear Jack speaking up "Anabell will come with us" Brad and I turn around and I gasp when I see that he points a gun at us

I look at Brad and he looks shocked and lightly afraid. Then I look to the boys in the van who are looking at me sternly mouthing 'get your ass in the van'

I grab Brads arm and we jump in the car. I hear the gun shot.

well thanks for reading this chapter and yeah today I was able to update earlier so I did. Yupp yupp that's all so byeeee

x me

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