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I am sorry I didn't write a chapter yesterday but I had sport and some other things in my mind. Well my day was bad so I am not in the best mood sooo here is just the story

Anabell Pov

I walk out of the kitchen and straight upstairs "Anabell come and eat" Connor says after me

"I'm not hungry" I mumble as I walk upstairs. I go into my room which I barely used because I always slept in Brads room. Well not today

I lock the door after me and just lay on the bed. I am mad at Brad but actually I think I overreact. But he planned all of this. I think he was the one deleting Lukes number from my phone

Okay I'm not overreacting. It's a little scary that he planned all of this. My mind is a mess right now. The whole Brad thing and then there is Luke

I had feelings for him. Once. A little while ago. Before I met Brad. And then I loved Brad. Exactly what he planned

I feel so stupid that I didn't see it. He was just so caring and nice all the time. He went shopping with me and we had this nights where we just stayed home watching netflix and eating popcorn and Ice cream

We mostly did that when Harry was on tour or had to travel... Or went to his bimbo. Brad knew that I felt lonely so he came around

But it's difficult and I don't think I would've been with Luke. I mean I had a little crush on him but I was with Harry

My thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking at my door. I lift my head a little and shout "go away Brad"

"I am not Brad girl" I hear a voice I think is one of Lukes bandmates. Yeah I think it's that Ashton guy

I stand up and unlock the door for him to come in. We sit down on my bed and it was silent for a moment till he speaks up

"listen. I know we don't really know each other but I know a lot about you. Luke tells a lot" he laughs a little "and he knows that you don't love him the way he loves you but he really don't want to loose you as friend. When you two didn't have contact he was terrible. He started drinking and he got mad when there was a fly or something. He really loves you. But as well as a friend" he says and then stands up and leaves before I can say something

I am alone again. Alone with my thoughts. I want to hug Luke now. I stand up and open my door just too see Luke falling into my room

I laugh at him and help him standing up. He looks at me and I just hug him. I need this right now. He is shocked by my actions but quickly hugs back

We stand like this for a few minutes till somebody comes up the stairs and stops. I look up to see Brad standing there looking at us

I look back at him not daring to move away from Luke. Brad looks angry and walks back downstairs. The next moment I hear the front door close with a big bang

Uhhh I think I messed up a bit. But no. He is the one who messed things up. I wont blame myself on this

"me and the boys will go now" Luke says when I pull back from the hug and nod

I hug all of the boys and they leave. Now I am alone with 3 boys starring at me. "Take a picture it will least longer" I say turning around

The next moment James takes a picture with his phone "done" he smirks and I roll my eyes and then we all laugh

"hey do you know where Brad went?" I ask awkardly and they all look at each other with a worried look on their faces "what?" I ask getting nervous

"Well he maybe went to a pub or..." he stops and I just get more worried

"or what?!" I nearly shout at them and they face the floor "just tell me" I say calming myself down

"Well he has a friend. And he goes to her when he is mad" Tris says not looking at me. My heart falls to the floor

"Her?" I ask with a monotone voice "where are they?" I ask

"I guess at the pub around the corner" James says looking at me. I quickly grab my bag and run out of the house and along the street till I see the pub

I slow down unsure of what I will see when I open the door. I mean the boys didn't say he would cheat or something

Maybe they are just like Luke and I. Friends since kindergarden. I should think positive

But what if he cheats? I don't think I can go through that... again. It would be the third time

I don't see the logic behind cheating. If you really love somebody you wont kiss or do anything else with other people. And if you don't love the person you can just break up with them. It will hurt them less than if you cheat on them

My hands are shaking and I am not sure if I want to go in there. I' m about to open the door of the small building infront of me when I hear a voice

"Anabell I don't know what they are doing" Tris says and I turn around to face him. He looks worried

"I will find out" I say with my voice shaking

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks giving me a sad smile but I shake my head

"It's okay" I fake a smile and he leaves. This is the moment.

I turn to the door and open it. I see Brad instantly. His back is turned to me and I sigh in relief

But the he turns a little and I see a blonde girl. They are nearly eating each others faces

My heart falls to the floor.

Not again.

yupp end of the chapter.

x me

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