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I have two important things to say.
1. This is actually chapter 20 like... wooow
2. Did you see Zayns 'hair cut'?!!! WHYYYY?! I loved his hair R.I.P Zayns hair. we will miss you

I slowly look around afraid of what I may see. I see Jack. He's the one who shot.

I see Brad. He is okay. I see Tris. Not shot. I see Connor. Not shot. I see James. Not shot.

But who is shot. I start to feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I see blood. I look up to see all of the boys looking at me shocked

Jack drops the gun and trys to run over to me but James and Tristan stop him while Brad and Connor pick me up and carry me in the van

A few seconds later James and Tris climb in the van and we speed of. I feel the pain getting worse from second to second

"Babe stay with me okay? You will be in the hospital in a few minutes and they will help you okay?" he says holding my hands. He is shaking. A lot

"Brad" I whisper and he looks me in the eyes "This was my brother. The one who shot me"

He looks at me with wide eyes "I-I thought he would be" He stutters

"I thought that too Brad but a few days ago when Connor and me went away in the morning I got lost in the woods and then they found me. I hate them and don't want to have any contact with them but they just don't want to understand" I close my eyes

"why didn't you tell me?" he asks and I think he is lightly hurt. Well not as hurt as I am right now because I have a damn bullet in my stomach but you know what I mean

"Because.. I don't know I just thought this wouldn't be real" I open my eyes a little "Brad I am tired" I whisper

He squeezes my hand a little "Stay awake angel okay? Promise you wont sleep" he looks worriedly and I just nod

"we're here" Connor shouts and in the next moment I find myself in Brads arms as he carrys me in the hospital

I feel my eyes getting really heavy and I can't keep them open anymore. Brad looks down at me "Anabell! Stay awake" he runs faster if that's even possible

"I'm sorry Brad. I... love you" and then I fall asleep.

I see a really beautifull light and a nice music plays. I start to walk to the light but then I see Brad.

I open my eyes wide and take a deep breath. A nurse and Brad push me down again and now I lay down and take some deep breaths "Babe calm down okay?" Brad says crying

"wh-what happened?" I say calming down a bit

"You were dead for a few seconds" he wipes away his tears and sits down on the hospital bed

"Hey Anabell my name is Maya and we need to make a few tests with you so we know you're okay again yes?" she smiles at me

"yeah that's okay but can he stays with me?" I ask resting my head on the pillow

"yes of course" she smiles "I will be back in a few minutes okay?"

I nod and she leaves me and Brad alone "Where are the boys?" I ask while he takes my hand

"Waiting outside and I guess they will be here any min-" he is cut off by three boys running in the room hugging me tightly

"I'm happy to see you too boys" I laugh but stop because it hurts in my stomach

"We thought we wouldn't see you ever again" Connor says wiping a tear away. They are so cute

"yeah she was dead for a few seconds" Brad says squeezing my hand

"how was it to be dead? Did you see anything?" James shoves the others away from me looking at me

"yes it was weird. I heard a really pretty music playing and I saw a light but then I saw Brad crying and that's when I woke up again" I say deep in my thoughts

"boys could you leave us alone for a minute?" Brad asks never breaking our eyecontect

"yes of course" They say in usion and leave the room

"what's up?" I say

"do you remember what you said? you know before you died" he has a look on his face I've never seen before

"what do you mean?" I am confused. What did I say?

"Well you said you love me" he says looking at me

"oh yeah that" I say awkardly

"is it true?" he says still looking in my eyes

"The truth?" he nods "yes I love you and I haven't felt like this for a long time. I wasn't in love that much with Harry. I thought I couldn't feel like this ever again but you showed me that I can. I love you" I say a little shocked that I actually had the guts to tell him

I look down at my fingers but he puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him. But before I could say anything he press his lips on mine

After a few seconds he pulls away "I love you too Anabell" and then he press his lips back on mine

"awwww you're such a cute couple" James says and Connor takes a picture

"you just ruined our moment" Brad whines and I giggle

Before anybody could say another thing the nurse comes back and starts with the tests

Whaaaat two chapters on one day? No you're not dreaming. Okay I'm ready so thank youuu

x me

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