28 & A/N

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Hello to all of you who are reading my story. I just want to say some things about the bomb in London. I am heart broken to hear that there was terrorism again. It's horrible. But every single person who reads this: Don't let them control your life. I know a lot of people who stopped going in the city, a festival or even a train because of these people. If you stop living your normal life then they will win. But don't let them win. People who even think about killing other people don't deserve to win. This is not a hate to anybody but I just want to tell you how I think about it. It was a shock to hear about that. I was in school and one of my friends told me about the bomb. I instantly text a person I know lives there to check if she is alright. Thank god she is. Please don't let anybody tell you how to live your life. It's yours so you can decide.

After Harry left I quickly make myself ready. After brushing my hair and putting on my winter jacket I grab my purse and put everything in it

Since I don't have a car I walk to the address Brad sent me and it's just a 10 minute walk

I walk into the restaurant and instantly see Brad sitting at a table looking at me. He smiles an I walk over to him

"Hey" he says standing up and trys to hug me but I quickly take a seat pretending I didn't know he wanted to hug me

"Did you already order?" I ask taking a look at the menu

"No I wanted to wait" he says and smiles when I look up from the menu "Do you know what you want?" he asks after a moment of silence

"meh I can't decide. A hamburger with fries or the salad with ham" I say still looking at the menu in my hands "what about you?" I glance up at him

"I think I will take the hamburger" he says and then he starts to smirk "You can order the salad and then I will just give you some of my burger" he puts down his menu

"Hmm I think I will just order the salad but no thanks" I say not wanting to get to close to him again

"We need to talk Anabell" he says serious. I look at him and he is about to speak again but the waitress comes and takes our orders

I am really nervous when she leaves again. I don't know if I am ready to talk to him. I get so nervous

I quickly stand up and walk to the womans bathroom. I go into a booth and lock the door. I put off my phone case and grab my blade

I put it in there so I always have it when I get nervous. Since I went to Italy I always have it in my phone case

I look at it for a few moments and then roll up my sleeve. I put the blade on my skin and let it flow over my skin over and over again

Before the blood can drop on my clothes I quickly wrap some paper towels around it

After 5 minutes I walk out of the bathroom and sit back down "You alright?" Brad asks worriedly and I just nod "can we talk now?" he asks

"Yes okay" I say resting my hands on the table and he looks at me

"Well if you have any questions we can start with them" he says and I nod

I don't have to think long till the first question pops up in my head "why did you cheat? wasn't I enough for you? Didn't you love me anymore? Was I too-" he cuts me off

"stop Anabell. It wasn't your fault okay?" he says putting his hand through his hair frustrated and I quickly close my mouth "I actually don't know why I did it. I was mad because you hugged Luke and forgave him before you forgave me. It was frustrating" he sighs "I just did all of that because I love you. I planned all of that because I love you" he says taking my hands

I flinch at his touch because his index finger goes under my sleeve and touches one of the fresh cuts. He pulls away quickly and when he sees the blood on his finger he looks at me shocked

"I-I what? why is there blood on your arm?" he asks grabbing my arm and pulling my sleeve up so my cuts are visible

I pull away quickly and stand up and walk out of the restaurant. I start to cry as I walk home. I hear Brad calling my name but I just start to run

Brad don't catch up with me and I close my door behind me and walk upstairs into my bedroom

I pull out my phone and ignore the missed calls and texts from Brad. I click on Harrys chat and text him

me: Hey Harry can you come over? I don't feel really well and the girls are still on tour

Hazza: Yes of course. what happened? x

me: I'll tell you later but please hurry

Hazza: I'm on my way x

5 minutes later there is a knock on the door. Wow he was fast

I make my way down the stairs and over to the door. Before I open it I get a text from Harry

Hazza: I'll be there in 2 minutes

Okay? So he isn't the on standing infront of my door? I open the door slowly to see Brad standing infront of my door

He looks mad but at the same time sad "What do you think you are doing cutting?" He growls at me coming closer

"B-Brad how do you know where I live?" I stutter lightly afraid

"I followed you" he says rolling his eyes. He looks down at me "I am sorry if I stressed you but stop doing this shit"

I wish Harry would come now. "Tell this your little girlfriend" I snap "you have no right to tell me what to do"

"Anabell I didn't mean to cheat" he says coming closer again but I push him away

"get out of my house" I say

"no I want to talk to you" he says "I love you and want to get back with you"

I feel a tear rolling down my cheek "I need time Brad" I whisper "please leave now"

"no please let us talk" he said taking my hand

"she told you to leave" a deep voice comes from the door. Finally.

Please stay save

x me

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