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Yo yo guyyyyyyys. Pretty nice day to lay in my bed and write a new chapter yaaaaay

I hug him really tight hoping I could hold him for the rest of my life.

I pull away holding his face in my hands to make sure it's really him and not just my mind playing games. But it's him. He is here right now with me.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper my voice shaking

"I knew you would come here. You do that every year and I hoped I could find you here. You never told me why you're coming here every yea-" he stops when he turns to the graves "A-Anabell I'm sorry" he starts

"No it's not your fault" I feel the tears again "It's mine" I whisper

"What do you mean?" He looks at me

"I was with them when they died" I look down. He will think I'm the worst person on this earth and that I don't deserve to life

"But that doesn't mean it's your fault Anabell. Who is Cole?" he asks taking my hands in his

"He- He was my boyfriend back then" A tear rolling down my cheek

"What happend Anabell?" he says never breaking eyecontact

I sigh "We were in the car after we left Jacks birthday party and then there was this truck and drove on our side of the street so Jack tryed to drive on the other side but lost control and we drove in a tree. But that wasn't the end. The tree broke and fell on the car. I remember them sitting there, not moving but bleeding a lot. I told the people to save them first but they ignored me. The next thing I know is me waking up in a hospital and a nurse telling me they couldn't help them anymore" I am crying hysteriecally now

"I'm so so sorry" He whispers and I look him in the eyes "Anabell I have to tell you something" he got serious now

"what is it?" I ask wiping away my tears and he lets go of my hands and takes a step back

"If you didn't want to be my girfriend you could've just say 'no' and not run away" he takes another step back

I am shocked he thinks I would do that to him "No Brad it wasn't like that. Let me explain it" I plead taking his hand

"What are you doing here?" A male voice asks. I definitely don't want to hear that voice right now

"Harry?" Brad asks looking at him

"Go away from my girlfriend" Harry says and Brad and I look at him shocked

"I am not your girlfriend Harry" I snap taking a step away from him pulling Brad after me

"yes you are love. just tell him" he says smiling at me as if that would be the most normal thing of the world

"yeah just tell him" Brad says pulling his hand away from me and I look at him shocked

"I am not Harrys girlfriend okay? And also I didn't run away. Harry and his stupid friends kidnapped me" I say looking Brad in the eyes

"What? Why would I kidnap you?" Harry asks pretending to be confused

"Stop Harry-" I am cut off by Harry

"Let's just go home Anabell" he says holding his hand out for me to take

I take a step back again "No Harry I am not gonna go with you. I will go with Brad" I say walking closer to Brad but Harry grabs my arm pulling me away from Brad

"No you will come with me" He growls in my ear

"Hey! If she doesn't want to go with you she wont" Brad speaks up coming closer to us

I smile at him and wiggle in Harrys grip till I finally get out of it and walk over to Brad "we will run" he wispers "1" Harry glares at us "2" Harry starts to walk over to us "3" Brad grabs my hand and we run as fast as we can to the exit of the graveyard

He pulls me to a van. Before we can reach it the doors open and I can see the boys waving at us.

I can see Connor and Tris so I guess James is driving. We reach the van and climb in really fast and James starts to drive

All the boys look at me before they embrace me in a very tight hug "boys. can't breath" I choke out laughing

"sorry" they pull away quickly "we missed you so much" Brad speaks

"I missed you too" I look him in the eyes "I was a total mess when I realized that they kidnapped me"

"I knew it was them" Brad mutters making a fist

"no you didn't" Connor looks at him "I knew it. You thought she would just run away from you" he sighs "And you just looked at your pictures all the time and cryed"

Brad blushes. "cute" I say smiling. I touched around my trousers to get my phone "shit" I mumble

"What's up beautifull" Brad asks making me blush

"I think the boys still have my phone" I say

"No they don't. You left it at the table that night so we took it" Brad says handing me my phone back

"well thank you" I say happily. I mean who wouldn't be happy to have their phone back

"you should see what Brad texted you" Tristan laughs

"No!" he shouts "I mean... maybe you shouldn't read them" he says trying to sound cool

"okay now I am so gonna read them" I laugh at him

"you're so mean" he pouts and I put my hands up in defence but my stomach shows for a short moment so I put them down really fast hoping they wouldn't have seen it

"did they give you food?" Brad asks serious. Luck is with me today. Note the sarcasm

"y-yes" I say looking down at my legs

"and did you eat it?" Connor asks looking up from his phone

"yes" I say nodding my head. I learnd to lie

"stop lying" Brad huffs and I feel a bit guilty "why?"

"Because it's not pretty cool to be kidnapped and away from your friends and the boy you love. It's stressing" I say quickly

"y-you love me?" he looks shocked. Shit did I say that loud? I mean yes I love him. A lot. But I don't think he feels the same

"yes" I look away from him "sorry"

I look at him again but he crushes his lips to mine. I missed this "I've been waiting to hear this for a long time" he smiles and I smile back

he kisses me again "Ugh get a room lovebirds" Tristan says laughing

"we will" Brad says winking at me and I blush

I unlock the phone to see who texted me but instantly wish I hadn't

Don't think it's over love. It just started.

x H

oh gosh.

I love writing this story and I love the comments *wink wink* yeah I mean yours. Well see you in the next chapter

x me

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