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Just wanted to thank some people. elliexwx for always reading my story and writing comments❤ liavisu cause she is just a really nice girl and I really like her ❤(I don't think she is reading my story😅)

I still look at Luke in disbelief. Because of three things:
1. I didn't know he is in a band
2. I don't get why Brad and Luke didn't tell me they know each other... and don't like each other
3. ...Just confused

"How are you love?" He asks smiling like nothing happened

"good good" I say letting them in after all of the boys gave me a hug. They walk in the living room and give James, Tris, Connor and Brad a man hug

Well Luke and Brad didn't. They don't even look at each other. Connor did tell me they don't like each other but I never thought it would be Luke in the other band or that they would hate each other that much

I just hope they wont argue... "So Anabell how do you and Luke know each other?" James asks while looking at me

"Well Luke and I are best friends since kindergarden and I actually don't remember how we met but I am happy we did" I say smiling at Luke. I look back at James and see Brad glaring at Luke while he puts his arm around me

I roll my eyes at him but I think he doesn't care because he keeps glaring at Luke who just smiles at me

"That's cute" Connor says "I'll get the food" he says standing up

"I'll help you" I say while standing up as well and following him into the kitchen "What is that between Luke and Brad" I whisper

"Well it all started when we met you the first time" he starts and I look at him

"you mean when I saw you at the festival?" I ask because that's where
I first met them but he shakes his head

"We met before" He says and I look at him confused "You and Luke were at the mall and the boys and I were there too. We knew Luke and his band before so we came over to you and said hello. Brad instantly fell in love with you. He stared at you the whole time. After a little chat we kept walking and he wouldn't shut up about you and how beautyfull you are. But then he started to get jealous because of Luke. He said that Luke would love you and that he should be the one walking around the mall with you and not Luke" he paused and I look at him with my mouth open

"So he made a plan. The plan to meet you at the festival and to get best friends with you and all of that. He was so crazy it was scary. And at the festival we met he bumped into you. He planned all of that. But he was still jealous because of Luke so he talked to him. Well talking means Brad shouting at Luke to stay away from you and that he would love you. Luke just smiled the whole time and Brad asked him if Luke would love you too..." he pauses again and looks at me

"a-and?" I ask not sure if I want to know the answer

"And I told him that I loved you since kindergarden" Lukes deep voice sounds from behind me and I turn around

"L-Luke I-I didn't know that" I stutter. He smiles at me and walks over to me taking my hands in his

"It's okay Anabell" Luke says giving Connor a look. Connor instantly grabs some plates and some of the food and leaves the kitchen

Brad POV

They are in the kitchen for 10 minutes now. I wonder why they need so much time

I will just go and lo- Oh there is Connor putting the plates and the food on the table. But where is Ana?

We all sit down on the table... Well besides Anabell and Luke who had to pee

The boys start to fill their plates with food but I still wonder where Anabell is so I stand up "I'll grab some water want some?" I ask

Some of the boys nod and I walk into the kitchen. There is Luke. But what is he doing? "Luke?" I ask carefully

"Brad" I hear Anabells voice from behind Luke. What is he doing? I walk over to them when Anabell passes Luke and hugs me

But she pulls away quickly giving me a glare "What?" I ask. I haven't done anything

"You" Luke says pointing at me "You made us loose contact and you are the reason she isn't my girlfriend right now" he shouts

Anabell rolls her eyes "Luke calm down. I don't think I would be your girlfriend. You are like a brother to me" she says kindly turning to him

He just walks out of the kitchen leaving me and Anabell alone "You planned all of this?" she asks looking at me with an emotion I think is a mixture of sad and angry

"What do you mean?" I ask hoping she wouldn't know

"You planned bumping into me at the festival? And getting my best friend so I would fall in love with you?" she aks and I don't know what to say so I stay silent

That was probably a mistake because she just walks out of the kitchen

I am sorry this is short but it's late here and I just wanted to update so yeah. And again thank you for reading. Have a lovely day♡

x me

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