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There is this moment when you want to eat nutella once and then you see your family ate the whole glass... sad (of course not at once)

I turn around to see Harry standing in the door frame giving Brad an angry glare

"What are you doing here?" Brad asks annoyed and suprised

Harry walks up to me and puts his hand around my waist pulling me a little closer "oh she didn't tell you? Well we're friends again and I will win her back" he says smiling

I turn to look at him "Calm down curly" I turn to look at Brad "He told me he was sorry and we hung out a bit and we are friends again" I say

Brad looks between Harry and me "He will hurt you all over again if you let him in your life again Anabell" he says

"Oh you mean just like you did?" I snap. Who does he think he is? Telling me not to let Harry back in my life because 'he will hurt me again' even though Brad cheated too

He is taken back "This is something completly different" He says taking a step forwards

"Where is the difference? He cheated. You cheated" I say biting my lip while remembering the moments I walked in when both of them cheated

"Anabell can we please talk... alone?" he says looking at Harry while saying 'alone'

"No I invited him. You are the one leaving" I say pointing to the door. He looks at me

"No I wont leave till we can talk" He says getting angry and I grab Harrys arm a little afraid of Brad

Harry looks down at me and then back at Brad "Leave or I will call the cops and tell her your little secret" he says

I look up at Harry not sure what to think about what he just said. When I look back at Brad I see his eyes widen and then he leaves

But before he is out of the door he turns around and looks at me with sorry eyes and says "I will get you back. I will fight. I promise"

Then he closes the door leaving me and Harry alone. Harry hugs me and I start to cry in his chest

"shh it's going to be okay little one. I am here" I need to smile a bit when he calls me little one. He used to call me that back then when we were still a couple

He calls me little one because I am really small. I am actually just 5,5 feet Which isn't really much

"I haven't heard that name for a long time" I smile at him and he smiles back down at me "I missed that"

"me too" he says and leans in. I don't know if I want to kiss him. Before our lips touch my phone rings. Thank god!

"Oh uhm I will get this" I say rushing to my purse to get my phone. I answer it without checking the caller Id "Hello?"

"Hello. Is this Anabell Hunt?"

"yeah that's me"

"great. I wanted to ask if you're interrested in a model job?"

"And you are who?"

"Oh I am sorry. My name is Alex Ross"

My eyes widen and I look at Harry. He gives me a confused look

"The Alex Ross?"

Harrys eyes widen too now

"I guess you heard about me then?"

"Yeah I love your clothes"

"good to hear that because I wont you to be the face for my new clothes line"

"Wow I feel really honourd but how did you find me?"

"Oh I saw your instagram and I think you're perfect for this. I'd like to meet you so we can talk about everything"

"y-yes of course. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there"

"how about tomorrow at six in this chinese restaurant?"

"yeah that's great I love chinese"

"me too haha. See you tomorrow"

"yeah see you... oh and thank you really much"

"no problem love"

We hung up and I turn to Harry and start to sream and hug him so tight like my life would depend on him

"Alex Ross" he says "What did he want?" he asks lightly nervous

"He wants me to be the face of his new clothe line" I say out of breath

"wow but you wont do it right?" My face falls probably to china

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask really sad

"Oh no I didn't mean it like that. I am just curious. How did he get your number? How did he even find you? Are you meeting? Are you sure it's really him? Can you trust him? Do you know wh-" I cut him off

"Harry?" I ask smiling while putting my hands around his waist

"Yes?" he asks while hugging me

"Shut up" I say and he pretends to be shocked

"Oh you're so gonna get it" he says while chasing me trough the flat

This goes for like 5 minutes till he trips me and I fall with him landing on top of me. I giggle but he puts his face closer to mine

"This time you wont get away without a kiss little one" he smirks and places his lips on mine

It feels nice to have this lips on mine again but I am not sure if I want to get used to them again. I still love Brad even though he broke my heart

I only kiss back a little not wanting it to be more awkard than it already is

A little moment later we pull back to catch our breaths. He has this bright smile on his face and I feel my heart mealt knowing he's happy like this because he kissed me

He stands up and helps me up. When I find my balance he pulls me in a tight hug and I catch myself enjoying it

"I know it wont come back from one day to another but I will earn your trust back and I will be your boyfriend again" He picks me up and sits me down "I will be carring, lovely and the boyfriend you deserve. I will bring you flowers, make breakfast for you and hold you in your darkest hours. I know how much I hurted you and I will never forgive myself for what I put you through. But I want to show that I can change. I change for you. I'll learn to listen to you whenever you need me. I will love you right and you deserve just the best"

That makes me cry. He is serious. When he sees me crying he wipes my tears away with his thumb

"If you really want to earn my trust again I wont stop you" he smiles at me


Now we're sitting on the couch watching some rom-com. He has his arm around me and I have my head resting on his shoulder when something pops up in my mind

"Harry?" I sit up and he looks at me "What did you mean when you said you would tell me Brads little secret?" I ask and he goes pale

I listen to Little Mix right now so don't wonder about the 'emotional' part. Well see you in the next chapter

x me

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