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heyy cuties
This is a time skip so it's a year later in the story and that's actually all right now so enjoy :)

----- a year later ----

Today is Harrys and my anniversary and I am about to walk into our house with his present in my hands. It's a picture of us. My favourite picture. We are sitting on a park bench, I smile into the camera and he laughs looking at me. Things have been going really well. Harry didn't cheat and we are more in love than ever.

I open the door just to see the worst thing that could ever happen. There is Harry and a girl... making love.

I just stand there saying nothing. I feel my heart falling to the floor shattering in a million pieces. Tears streaming down my face and they didn't even notice me.

I sob and then Harry finally looks up to meet my eyes. He pushes the girl of him and puts on some boxers and hurrys towards me but I turn on my heels and walk away tears still running down my face.

He puts on a jacket and runs after me but I sit in my car and drive off to the park since I'm not going to the beach at this time ever again

I spot a bench and sit down and just cry in my hands.

A few minutes later I feel a presence besides me but I didn't even have to look up to know that it's Harry. I slowly stand up and walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back

"wait Anabell please I am so sorry"

"let go of me" I say tears still running down my face

"no Anabell I am not gonna leave you again"

"Harry I'm too tired I don't want to argue right now so let me go"

"Anabell I"

"from all days why did you had to choose this one?" I say facing him

"what do you mean?" he asks. He can't be serious.

I take the picture out of my bag and hold it infront of him to grab but before he could grab it I let it fall to the floor where the glass goes into a million pieces "happy anniversary Harry" I say another tear rolling down my cheek. I walk back to my car and drive to Perrie one of my best friends (A/N and yes I mean Perrie Edwards (; )

I knock on the door and a few seconds later Perrie opens the door and smiles but it fades as she sees me "oh my god what happened" she asks pulling me in a hug. I started to cry again

"he did it again" I whisper

"who did what again?" she asks not knowing what I meant

"Harry he cheated again" I cry out

"come in and then you tell me what happened ok?" she asks and I nod.
she hands me a cup of tee and we sit down on her couch. I sip on my tee
"so what happened" Perrie asked sipping on her own tee

"You know today is our anniversary and I wanted to give him that picture of us but when I walked into our house he banged that bimbo" I sob

"oh Ana I'm so sorry" she hugs me "how about you stay with me for a bit and now we are watching movies and eat chocolate till we get fat?" she smiles and I nod thanking her

now we lay here watching some movie. Perrie fell asleep for a while and I grab my phone and see 3 messages and 57 missed calls from Harry.

I click on the massages:

Curly♡: Anabell

Harry: please come home or answer my calls

Harry: you promised you would always be mine

me: and you promised you wouldn't cheat again

I put my phone back down and fell asleep a little while later.

Ok this is a short chapter but It's important and the next will follow with some more drama

x me

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