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Hiiii nothing important so enjoy

I wake up by voices... again but this time the voices weren't the boys they were the girls aka Perrie, Jade, Jessy and Leigh-Anne. I groan and they go silent instantly. I open my eyes to see them all starring at me. I close my eyes again

"take a picture it will last longer" I mumble and they walk over to me

"morning Ana how are you?" Perrie asks. I open my eyes again and stand up from the couch and stretch my muscles. I stand up hugging the girls

"I feel like shit" I say and this is probably the understatement of the year

"you want some breakfast?" Jade smiles at me

"no thank you I'm not hungry" I shrug. They don't know... nobody knows not even Harry "do you think we can pick up my stuff today? I want to get it out of this house"

"yeah we could plan something to get Harry out of the house" Jessy speaks up and I nod at her


after we took all my stuff out of our- no his house Louis texted me

Lou bear♡: hey do you think we could meet? x

me: yeah but just you and me. no Harry right? x

Lou bear♡: yes just you and me. how about the park in half an hour? x

me: sounds good. c u l8er x

Lou bear♡: okay x

I walked to the park and when Louis spotted me he waved and I walked over to him and gave him a hug "so how are you Anabell?" he asks sitting down with me on a bench

"what do you think how I am?" I laugh lightly

"sorry but I just have to say that I really wanted to tell you but I was scared you would hate me after that" he says looking me in the eyes

"what do you mean?" I ask confused

"ok but remember I am sorry for not telling you" he says scared

"did you- did you know he cheated?" I ask in disbelief

"yes he told us and we real-"he started

"We? like you AND the boys?" I ask backing away from him

"Anabell I am sorry but we didn-" he came closer

"You knew he cheated and didn't think it would be good to tell me?" I was shocked "I trusted you Lou and I thaught of you like a brother"

"and you are like my sister"

"but a brother doesn't hide from his sister that her boyfriend is cheating on her" I rais my voice again and stand up

"Anabell -" Louis stands up too

"I hate you. All of you. Leave me alone" I say walking away from him I can hear him screaming my name with some crys inbetween them.

I drive back to Perries but nobody is here so I walk upstairs into the bathroom and lock the door. I fiddle with the hem of my sweater. I only wear baggy clothes. I put it off together with my trousers so I am left in just my bra and underwear. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I lost a lot of weight. I'm pretty skinny but not in a good way. I, Anabell Hunt, am anorexic and didn't eat for 2 weeks.

I look around for a razor blade but can't find one so I walk downstairs and grab a knife.

After I cleaned everything again I walk over to the couch but I felt really weak and I just saw black and couldn't hear anymore. I fall to the floor and pased out.


I wake up in a... bed? but it's not a hospital bed neither my bed in Perries house. I try to stand up but my head hurts so much. I swing my legs around the bed. I stand up and walk to the door and open it. It looks familiar but I don't know why.

I walk down the stairs till I get into a kitchen where somebody stands I never thought of. Brad.

"hey you're up" he smiles at me and I walk over to him even though I am really weak and hug him

"what happened" I ask

"you pased out and I came by to see how you are and found you. So I took you here" he puts his hands on my waist and I blush lightly

"thank you" I mumble and look him in the eyes and he smiles at me

"do you want to eat something?" he asked with his hands still around my waist

"no thank you" I say putting my hands around his neck. I kiss him on the cheek "can I get a shower?"

"yes of course. You go in the shower and I will bring you some towels and things you can wear ok?"

"thank you so much brad" I whisper and walk upstairs and wait for Brad. He comes in and hands me the things. I thank him and he walks downstairs again.

After 15 minutes I get out of the shower and dry myslef with the fluffy towel Brad handed me. I wrap myself in the towel and walk in the bedroom to get dressed. Brad gave me some short sweatpants and a crop top.

I don't like to wear shorts or crop tops because you can see how skinny I am and I don't like that.

I put them on and walk downstairs to find Brad "ehm do you have some baggy clothes I could borrow?" I ask nervous

"yeah I guess but wh-" he looked up at me and gasped "wh-what happened? why are you so skinny?" he came closer and I put my hands over my stomach.

He takes my hands and puts them away from my stomach so he would have a better few. I felt so insecure right now. He wipes my cheek and that's when I realize I am crying. I am pulled into a hug and just let my tears fall.

this chapter was really different to write but I hope you kinda like it. And if you have any problems like anorexic then talk to someone. Your parents, friends, teachers but you can also talk to me.

x me

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