Chapter 1: Chocolates and an old friend

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Hithere you! Thank you for reading my story. If you have feedback or commentsplease let me know. I would like to hear it. Thank you and i hope you enjoy.

"Wendy! Get up you lazy dog!" Alice shouted at Wendy who was again fast asleep and not at all ready to go to work. "Come on girl you are going to be late, again!" She walked in the bedroom, somewhere underneath all that those pillows you could hear a soft snoring. "WENDY!" Wendy moved "Hoi Alice, what's up?" She opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. Not looking at all like someone who was just a sleep. "You are going to be late for work." Alice said again.

"I don't feel like working today." Wendy let herself fall again in her mountain of pillows. "Well you have to, even with a hangover." Alice start smiling "How was dinner with work?" "Terrible, Han sort of started flirting with me and when I went to the WC he followed me trying to kiss me. So I basically ended the night screaming at my boss and quitting my job." She sat up again sighing. " Now I have no choice but to go back to my shitty job for like, what 5 weeks before I can leave." Wendy climbed out of her bed looking at Alice."Your boss?" She said, eyes wide open "Wendy, your boss and you didn't kiss him back or like sleep with him? Are you heartless, cold or crazy he's like super hot!" "Alice!" "What I can see a guy for what he is and appreciate the exterior." "Well good thing you go for girls because your taste in men is... questionable." Wendy laughs.

On her way to work Wendy thought about last night. Han her boss was good looking no doubt about it. They get along well. She thought he was her friend. He was such a help after her divorce. But he had other motives.

Wendy got up from the table, feeling slightly tipsy from the wine she drank. She went for the toilets. She was ready and washed her hands, when the door opened. There was Han. "You got the wrong door boss."She laughs. He stood there looking at her while she rubbed her hands with the soap. "You look good tonight Wen." He said softly "Thank you, I put on heels for once that makes a difference I think." She finished washing her hands and wanted to grab a paper towel which were next to Han. She got closer to him to take one and before she knew it Han took her firmly in his arms, pushing her against the sink.

Han started kissing her, Wendy was in shock and couldn't respond. He kept kissing her as she felt his hand slide under her skirt. Going quickly for her panties. She snapped out of her shock like state and pushed him away looking wide eyed and angry at him. "What do you think you are doing?" "Come on Wendy you and I both know this is what you want, a good piece of the Han." He smirked putting his hand on his erection.

"Okay referring to yourself as 'the Han 'is sort of terrible. Thinking it would turn on any women is even worse. And imagining that I want a piece of it is beyond....." she trailed of seeing the anger in his eyes. "I helped you when your good for nothing husband cheated on you, I was there. Now I want something in return!" He grabbed her again, this time she was ready and kicked him hard. "aaaagh!" Han jumped on one leg. Wendy ran out of the toilet. He came after her. She was already at the table taking her purse and coat. "Don't you dare leave Wendy." Han growled looking positively wild and angry.

She saw her colleges and the rest of the restaurant staring at them. "But I'm leaving and not only the restaurant!" she shouted back at him. She was good in controlling her anger. Most of the time. But what he did... well she felt betrayed.

Her job wasn't the worst job in the world. She loved chocolate. The only thing with Han was, that he was not adventuress when it came to flavours. Just like her mentor Wendy loved combining strange flavours in her chocolates. She developed award winning chocolates. But he didn't let her make them or sell them. He wanted normal things everyone would like. She had job offers, interesting ones that would allow her to be the kind of chocolatier she dreamed of being. But she stayed with Han out of loyalty and gratitude.

" 'Mooring Wendy." "Hoi Stefie how are you?" "I'm fine, but I hear I've missed quite the dinner." She looked at Wendy one eyebrow raised. "God" she sighs "news travels fast." "you're really going to leave us alone with him?" "Yes, I'm done." She said more angrily then she would like. "Wow is he that bad a kisser?" "Wait how did you... Alice, I'm going to kill her." "She's my girl of course she tells me." Looking al innocent at Wendy. "I'll be at the back making something terrible for you to sell?"

The day goes by slowly. Normally creating chocolates made Wendy feel calm and relaxed. she feared that Han would walk in and make her feel even worse as she did now, but he didn't. Occasionally Stefie came in asking about ingredients used is one of the basic chocolates. Wendy hated it, she wanted to be left alone, do her stupid job and go home. When she heard the door open for the 7th time she lost it. "God Stefie leave me the fuck alone!" She had her back at the door so she didn't see.

She heard someone giggle "God Wendy thank you, is that how you say hallo to an old friend." She turned around fast and saw Francis, her oldest friend standing there arms wide open, big smile on his face. "Francis? O my god Teddy!" She exclaimed, she put her chocolate a side took of her apron and practically jumped on him to give him a big old hug. "What are you doing here?" she still hugging him, smiling. "I come to save you, like always." She still held his arms, looking at him "What are you really doing here?" "Visiting my dad. Took a good friend with me too." She looked behind Francis. Seeing for the first time that he wasn't alone.

"O hallo." Wendy looked at this guy with questioning eyes. "Ah where are my manners." Francis clapped his hands together. "Wendy this is..." He looked at is friend." There was a short silence "Did you forget your friends name Teddy?" Wendy laughs. "No he did not." The friend smiled, his teeth where bright white. "He wanted me to introduce myself I think." He extends his hand. "Hallo, my name is Tristan." "Nice to meet you, Tristan, god your teeth are white. " Wendy took his hand. He looked at her and gave her a wicked smile. "Okay they are very white." She smiled back. Francis laughs "God Wendy! You and your obsession with teeth!" she shrugged her shoulder. Tristan looked at her intently with his clear blue eyes.

"So what are you doing here in beautiful, old Bruges?" She asked Francis, ignoring his friend who was still staring. "Visiting dad, begging you to come with me to London. You know same old, same old" Francis sigh "You need a chocolatier do you?" "Yes!"Francis exclaimed. "God I'm desperate, I need you Wen. I know you love our small, little city and your job but God I need you..." "Teddy." She puts her hands in the air in the hope she could silence him."Yes?" He looked at her all puppy eyes. "Stop that, you know that doesn't work on me. But if you have all the paperwork ready I'm happy to work with you in London." Teddy swooped her up and gave her a big hug. Smiling "How come you changed your mind?" "Buy me dinner and I tell you." She said looking rather sad. "Okay, I will. But first we need a tour guide. It is Tristan his first time here and my knowledge.." "You're hopeless, but fine I let me take my things."

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